
时间:2017-10-02 17:20:52

标签: batch-file tfs tfs2015 windows-server-2012

此脚本不断为我提供robocopy的错误代码3,但正在按预期工作。我创建了一个日志文件来捕获它,它在命令行和脚本中运行得很好,但我在TFS 2015中的My Build上仍然出现错误。有什么想法吗?



异常消息:TF270015:' RolltoDEV.bat'意外地回来了   退出代码。预期' 0&#39 ;;实际' 3'。


@echo off
set root="D:\Drop\PythonAutomation\1-DEV\PythonAutomation - CD to DEV"
CD /D %root% 
FOR /F "delims=" %%i IN ('dir /b /ad-h /t:c /od') DO SET a=%%i
CD /D C:\

robocopy "C:\Builds\1004\PythonAutomation\PythonAutomation - CD to DEV\src\PythonAutomation" "D:\Drop\PythonAutomation\1-DEV\PythonAutomation - CD to DEV\%a%" /E /log:D:\logFileForPython.txt

robocopy "C:\Builds\1004\PythonAutomation\PythonAutomation - CD to DEV\src\PythonAutomation" "D:\PythonAutomation" /E /log+:D:\logFileForPython.txt



----------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- ROBOCOPY :: Windows强大的文件复制


开始时间:2017年10月2日星期一上午11:04:27来源:   C:\ Builds \ 1004 \ PythonAutomation \ PythonAutomation - CD to   DEV的\ src \ PythonAutomation \        Dest:D:\ Drop \ PythonAutomation \ 1-DEV \ PythonAutomation - CD到DEV \ PythonAutomation - CD到DEV_20171002.23 \

Files : *.*
     Options : *.* /S /E /DCOPY:DA /COPY:DAT /R:1000000 /W:30 
                 3    C:\Builds\1004\PythonAutomation\PythonAutomation - CD to DEV\src\PythonAutomation\  *EXTRA Dir        -1    D:\Drop\PythonAutomation\1-DEV\PythonAutomation - CD to DEV\PythonAutomation - CD to DEV_20171002.23\logs\
  New File            1324    PythonAutomation.log   0%   100%  
  New File            1255    PythonAutomation.sln   0%   100%  
  New File             221    PythonAutomation.sln.Any CPU.Debug.vsprops   0%   100%        New Dir         

1 C:\ Builds \ 1004 \ PythonAutomation \ PythonAutomation - CD to   DEV的\ src \ PythonAutomation \ PythonAutomation \         新文件3552 PythonAutomation.pyproj 0%100%New Dir 0 C:\ Builds \ 1004 \ PythonAutomation \ PythonAutomation - CD   到DEV \ src \ PythonAutomation \ PythonAutomation \ BaseObjects \ New Dir
  1 C:\ Builds \ 1004 \ PythonAutomation \ PythonAutomation - CD to   DEV的\ src \ PythonAutomation \ PythonAutomation \配置\         新文件374 Config-Main.py 0%100%New Dir 0 C:\ Builds \ 1004 \ PythonAutomation \ PythonAutomation - CD to   DEV的\ src \ PythonAutomation \ PythonAutomation \配置\属性\
  新目录0 C:\ Builds \ 1004 \ PythonAutomation \ PythonAutomation -   CD到   DEV的\ src \ PythonAutomation \ PythonAutomation \配置\属性\ PublishProfiles \       新目录1 C:\ Builds \ 1004 \ PythonAutomation \ PythonAutomation    - CD到DEV \ src \ PythonAutomation \ PythonAutomation \ Configuration \ Properties \ PublishProfiles \ RolltoDEV \         新文件520 RolltoDEV.bat 0%100%New Dir 0 C:\ Builds \ 1004 \ PythonAutomation \ PythonAutomation - CD to   DEV \ src \ PythonAutomation \ PythonAutomation \ Properties \ New Dir
  0 C:\ Builds \ 1004 \ PythonAutomation \ PythonAutomation - CD to   DEV \ src \ PythonAutomation \ PythonAutomation \ PythonAutomation \ New Dir   4 C:\ Builds \ 1004 \ PythonAutomation \ PythonAutomation - CD to   DEV的\ src \ PythonAutomation \ PythonAutomation \ PythonAutomation \ BaseObjects \         新文件2664 Email.py 0%100%
        新文件573 File.py 0%100%
        新文件1260 SSHConnection.py 0%100%
        新文件342 init .py 0%100%New Dir 0 C:\ Builds \ 1004 \ PythonAutomation \ PythonAutomation - CD to   DEV的\ src \ PythonAutomation \ PythonAutomation \ PythonAutomation \属性\       新目录0 C:\ Builds \ 1004 \ PythonAutomation \ PythonAutomation    - CD到DEV \ src \ PythonAutomation \ PythonAutomation \ PythonAutomation \ Properties \ PublishProfiles \       新目录3 C:\ Builds \ 1004 \ PythonAutomation \ PythonAutomation    - CD到DEV \ src \ PythonAutomation \ PythonAutomation \ PythonAutomation \ Properties \ PublishProfiles \ PublishProfiles \         新文件864 RolltoDEV.pubxml 0%100%
        新文件934 RolltoPROD.pubxml 0%100%
        新文件922 RolltoQA.pubxml 0%100%

           Total    Copied   Skipped  Mismatch    FAILED    Extras
Dirs :        13        12         0         0         0         1    Files :        13        13         0         0         0         0   

字节:14.4 k 14.4 k 0 0 0 0
  时间:0:00:00 0:00:00 0:00:00 0:00:00


----------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- ROBOCOPY :: Windows强大的文件复制


开始时间:2017年10月2日星期一上午11:04:27来源:   C:\ Builds \ 1004 \ PythonAutomation \ PythonAutomation - CD to   DEV的\ src \ PythonAutomation \        目的地:D:\ PythonAutomation \

Files : *.*
     Options : *.* /S /E /DCOPY:DA /COPY:DAT /R:1000000 /W:30 
                 3    C:\Builds\1004\PythonAutomation\PythonAutomation - CD to DEV\src\PythonAutomation\  *EXTRA Dir        -1    D:\PythonAutomation\.vs\    *EXTRA Dir        -1    D:\PythonAutomation\Outputs\
  New File            1324    PythonAutomation.log   0%   100%  
  New File            1255    PythonAutomation.sln   0%   100%  
  New File             221    PythonAutomation.sln.Any CPU.Debug.vsprops   0%   100%        New Dir         

1 C:\ Builds \ 1004 \ PythonAutomation \ PythonAutomation - CD to   DEV的\ src \ PythonAutomation \ PythonAutomation \         新文件3552 PythonAutomation.pyproj 0%100%New Dir 0 C:\ Builds \ 1004 \ PythonAutomation \ PythonAutomation - CD   到DEV \ src \ PythonAutomation \ PythonAutomation \ BaseObjects \ New Dir
  1 C:\ Builds \ 1004 \ PythonAutomation \ PythonAutomation - CD to   DEV的\ src \ PythonAutomation \ PythonAutomation \配置\         新文件374 Config-Main.py 0%100%New Dir 0 C:\ Builds \ 1004 \ PythonAutomation \ PythonAutomation - CD to   DEV的\ src \ PythonAutomation \ PythonAutomation \配置\属性\
  新目录0 C:\ Builds \ 1004 \ PythonAutomation \ PythonAutomation -   CD到   DEV的\ src \ PythonAutomation \ PythonAutomation \配置\属性\ PublishProfiles \       新目录1 C:\ Builds \ 1004 \ PythonAutomation \ PythonAutomation    - CD到DEV \ src \ PythonAutomation \ PythonAutomation \ Configuration \ Properties \ PublishProfiles \ RolltoDEV \         新文件520 RolltoDEV.bat 0%100%New Dir 0 C:\ Builds \ 1004 \ PythonAutomation \ PythonAutomation - CD to   DEV \ src \ PythonAutomation \ PythonAutomation \ Properties \ New Dir
  0 C:\ Builds \ 1004 \ PythonAutomation \ PythonAutomation - CD to   DEV \ src \ PythonAutomation \ PythonAutomation \ PythonAutomation \ New Dir   4 C:\ Builds \ 1004 \ PythonAutomation \ PythonAutomation - CD to   DEV的\ src \ PythonAutomation \ PythonAutomation \ PythonAutomation \ BaseObjects \         新文件2664 Email.py 0%100%
        新文件573 File.py 0%100%
        新文件1260 SSHConnection.py 0%100%
        新文件342 init .py 0%100%New Dir 0 C:\ Builds \ 1004 \ PythonAutomation \ PythonAutomation - CD to   DEV的\ src \ PythonAutomation \ PythonAutomation \ PythonAutomation \属性\       新目录0 C:\ Builds \ 1004 \ PythonAutomation \ PythonAutomation    - CD到DEV \ src \ PythonAutomation \ PythonAutomation \ PythonAutomation \ Properties \ PublishProfiles \       新目录3 C:\ Builds \ 1004 \ PythonAutomation \ PythonAutomation    - CD到DEV \ src \ PythonAutomation \ PythonAutomation \ PythonAutomation \ Properties \ PublishProfiles \ PublishProfiles \         新文件864 RolltoDEV.pubxml 0%100%
        新文件934 RolltoPROD.pubxml 0%100%
        新文件922 RolltoQA.pubxml 0%100%

           Total    Copied   Skipped  Mismatch    FAILED    Extras
Dirs :        13        12         0         0         0         2    Files :        13        13         0         0         0         0   

字节:14.4 k 14.4 k 0 0 0 0
  时间:0:00:00 0:00:00 0:00:00 0:00:00



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


2>&1|find /v "TF270015"
