方法出错,我试图指向(* head)并等于nodeString
我甚至为我宣布char * nodeString = NULL;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <limits.h>
char nodeValue;//intitial filling of the queue
char nodeString;//for the main running of the program: enqueue and dequeue 1000000 times
int charCount = 0;//counts the amount of chars in the strings that fill the nodes.
int nodeCount = 0;//keeps track of the amount of nodes
int runCount = 0;//keeps track of amount of times ran
struct Node{
char data;
struct Node *next;
void enQueue(char * string, struct Node ** head, struct Node ** tail){
struct Node* newNode;
newNode = (struct Node*) malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
if(*head == NULL){
newNode = *head;
newNode = *tail;
}//if the queue is empty
newNode->data = (*string);//newNode obtains the data of the passed string
newNode->next = (*tail);//the next node is set to NULL
void * deQueue(struct Node **head, struct Node **tail){
char * nodeString = NULL;
struct Node* tempNode;
tempNode = (struct Node*) malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
*nodeString = (*head)->data;
nodeString = (*head);//value is set to the data of the head node
tempNode = *head;//tempNode is set to the head node
*head = (*head)->next;
//return &nodeString;
return 0;
////creates a 100000 character string for the node
char * createString(){
char *str = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * 10);
while(charCount <= 10){
char rand = 'A' + (random() % 26);
str[charCount] = rand;
}//while charCount < 15
return str;
int main(){
//makes the node
struct Node ** nodeH;
struct Node ** nodeT;
nodeH = (struct Node**) malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
nodeT = (struct Node**) malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
while(nodeCount < 10){
char *nodeString = createString();
//nodeValue = ;//creating a string with the createString function
enQueue(nodeString, nodeH, nodeT);//passing to enQueue
nodeCount++;//increment nodeCount
}//while nodeCount < 10
while(runCount <= 50){
if(nodeCount <= 10){
char *nodeString = createString();//creating a new string to enQueue everytime I deQueue
deQueue(nodeH, nodeT);//deQueue
nodeCount--;//substract nodeCount when deQueue
enQueue(nodeString, nodeH, nodeT);//enQueue
nodeCount++;//add nodeCount when enQueue
}//while runCount <= 1000000