如何使用swift 3在iOS中隐藏上一个日期和月份?

时间:2017-09-29 07:12:26

标签: github swift3 calendar ios10.3 jtcalendar

我正在使用帮助器libaray“WWCalendarTimeSelector” GitHub链接: - https://github.com/weilsonwonder/WWCalendarTimeSelector 我有一个用户注册日期,它是29/9/2017。现在我只想在下一个日期,月份和年份之间启用日期。

开始日期时选择和将来日期选择其他日期禁用 例如开始日期: - 2017年9月29日和未来日期选择02/10/2017看到之后的日期,您将被禁用...我该怎么做?请帮帮....

@IBAction func btnSelectClick(_ sender: Any) {

        let selector = UIStoryboard(name: "WWCalendarTimeSelector", bundle: nil).instantiateInitialViewController() as! WWCalendarTimeSelector
        selector.delegate = self
        selector.optionCurrentDate = singleDate
        selector.optionCurrentDates = Set(multipleDates)
        selector.optionCurrentDateRange.setStartDate(multipleDates.first ?? singleDate)
        selector.optionCurrentDateRange.setEndDate(multipleDates.last ?? singleDate)

        present(selector, animated: true, completion: nil)
 func WWCalendarTimeSelectorDone(_ selector: WWCalendarTimeSelector, date: Date) {
        print("Selected \n\(date)\n---")
        singleDate = date
        dateLabel.text = date.stringFromFormat("d' 'MMMM' 'yyyy', 'h':'mma")

    func WWCalendarTimeSelectorDone(_ selector: WWCalendarTimeSelector, dates: [Date]) {
        print("Selected Multiple Dates \n\(dates)\n---")
        if let date = dates.first {
            singleDate = date
            dateLabel.text = date.stringFromFormat("d' 'MMMM' 'yyyy', 'h':'mma")
        else {
            dateLabel.text = "No Date Selected"
        multipleDates = dates

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    fileprivate var today: Date = Date()

    func WWCalendarTimeSelectorShouldSelectDate(_ selector: WWCalendarTimeSelector, date: Date) -> Bool{
        let order = NSCalendar.current.compare(today, to: date, toGranularity: .day)
        if order == .orderedDescending{ {
            //Date selection will be disabled for past days
            return false
        } else {
            //Allows to select from today
            return true
