我有3个Datepicker字段,我想更新。 例如:我选择今天的日期,在第二个字段中应该显示该月的最后一天,但提前3个月。
我做了宽度javascript ID,但现在我必须用淘汰赛
<div id="someTest">
<div class="input-col input-col-riskdetails input-col-date">
<input data-bind="value: expirationDate, event: {change: expirationDateChanged}" type="datetime">
<div class="input-col input-col-riskdetails input-col-date">
<input data-bind="value: latestNoticeScheduleDate" type="datetime">
<div class="input-col input-col-riskdetails input-col-date">
<input data-bind="value: earlyExchangeDate" type="datetime">
self.expirationDate = ko.observable("");
self.latestNoticeScheduleDate = ko.observable("");
self.earlyExchangeDate = ko.observable("");
self.expirationDateChanged = function () {
//do the callculation and put the result in the fields
$("#expirationDateDefault").change(function() {
// Edit after 10 digits
if ($("#expirationDateDefault").val().length === 10) {
// only add date if other fields are empty
if ($("#latestNoticeScheduleDateDefault").val() === '') {
var sk = $("#expirationDateDefault").datepicker('getDate');
// Definition is: Current selection minus 3 months
// Attention: Datepicker is zerobased
sk = new Date(sk.getFullYear(), (sk.getMonth() + 1) - 3, 0);
// Set new date
$("#latestNoticeScheduleDateDefault").datepicker('update', sk);
var fa = $("#expirationDateDefault").datepicker('getDate');
// Definition is: Current selection plus one day
fa = new Date(fa.getFullYear(), fa.getMonth(), fa.getDate() + 1);
// Set new date
$('#earlyExchangeDateDefault').datepicker('update', fa);
// DatePicker Binding
// Date-Picker
function BindDatePicker(context) {
// Datepicker init
$('input[type=datetime]', $(context)).datepicker({
format: "dd.mm.yyyy",
language: "de",
calendarWeeks: true,
autoclose: true,
todayHighlight: true,
todayBtn: "linked",
onClose: this,
orientation: "auto right"
$('input[type=datetime]', $(context)).attr("autocomplete", "off");