使用相关注释在其余控制器中调用方法:(@ RequiresPrivileges)
@RequiresPrivileges(value = {PrivilegeType.USRMGA, PrivilegeType.USRMGO}, usrMgmntObj = User.class, usrMgmntObjId = userDto.getId()) // at this stage, userDto is not known
public ResponseEntity<List<DetailedUserDto>> update(@RequestBody UserDto userDto) {
return new ResponseEntity<>(userService.update(userDto), HttpStatus.OK);
@interface RequiresPrivileges:
public @interface RequiresPrivileges {
* Required privileges to access the method
PrivilegeType[] value();
* If user wants to make changes to another user or usergroup, the rank needs to be checked. To do so,
* the object class (user or usergroup) and the suiting id needs to be provided
Class usrMgmntObj() default Object.class;
long usrMgmntObjId() default -1;
@Aspect of Annotation
public Object requiresPrivileges(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint) throws Throwable {
MethodSignature signature = (MethodSignature) joinPoint.getSignature();
Method method = signature.getMethod();
PrivilegeType[] privileges = method.getAnnotation(RequiresPrivileges.class).value();
Class usrMgmntObjClass = method.getAnnotation(RequiresPrivileges.class).usrMgmntObj();
long usrMgmntObjId = method.getAnnotation(RequiresPrivileges.class).usrMgmntObjId();
boolean authorized = false;
// if the user wants to change a user management object (user or usergroup), the rank has to be higher than the
// one the user wants to change. BUT user with the privilege PrivilegeType.USRMGA may edit without checking the
// rank
if ((usrMgmntObjClass == User.class || usrMgmntObjClass == Usergroup.class) && usrMgmntObjId > -1) {
if (usrMgmntObjClass == User.class) {
if (!authorizationService.hasHigherRank(currentUserService.getCurrentUserId(), usrMgmntObjId)) {
if (authorizationService.hasPrivileges(privileges, currentUserService.getCurrentUserId())) {
// user is authorized
authorized = true;
// check for privileges if user is not authorized already
if (!authorized) {
if (authorizationService.hasPrivileges(privileges, currentUserService.getCurrentUserId())) {
// user is authorized
return joinPoint.proceed();
} else {
// user is not authorized
throw new AccessNotAllowedException(currentUserService.getCurrentUserId());
} else {
return joinPoint.proceed();
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如果您的应用程序使用Spring Security,那么您可以简单地使用Spring的@PreAuthorize