
时间:2017-09-25 22:54:50

标签: javascript node.js serial-port raspberry-pi3

我正在尝试在Raspberry Pi 3中运行此程序。 我在我的覆盆子pi上安装了nodejs和ws。 然后我安装了串口模块。 我正在尝试创建此项目:enter link description here 我试图在任何地方找到解决方案,但我找不到一个。 如果有人知道如何解决这个问题,请帮助我。

var webSocketUrl = "wss://api.artik.cloud/v1.1/websocket?ack=true";
var device_id = "5bb3ba9304674086bee67fa507a215cf"; //DEVICE ID
var device_token = "36b278345b6d4d11abf764ae213c5c70"; //DEVICE TOKEN

var WebSocket = require('ws');
var isWebSocketReady = false;
var data="";
var ws = null;
var serialport = require("serialport");
var SerialPort = serialport.SerialPort;
var sp = new SerialPort("/dev/ttyACM0", { //for serial communication with arduino 
    baudrate: 9600,  
// The baud rate of uno is 9600
    parser: serialport.parsers.readline("\n")

 * Gets the current time in millis
function getTimeMillis(){
    return parseInt(Date.now().toString());

 * Create a /websocket connection and setup GPIO pin
function start() {
    //Create the WebSocket connection
    isWebSocketReady = false;
    ws = new WebSocket(webSocketUrl);
    ws.on('open', function() {
        console.log("WebSocket connection is open ....");
    ws.on('message', function(data) {
      //this loop is called whenever the client sends some message
         handleRcvMsg(data); //data is send to the function handleRcvMsg()
    ws.on('close', function() {
        console.log("WebSocket connection is closed ....");



 * Sends a register message to /websocket endpoint
//Client will only work when device gets registered from here
function register(){
    console.log("Registering device on the WebSocket connection");
        var registerMessage = '{"type":"register", "sdid":"'+device_id+'", "Authorization":"bearer '+device_token+'", "cid":"'+getTimeMillis()+'"}';
        console.log('Sending register message ' + registerMessage + '\n');
        ws.send(registerMessage, {mask: true});
        isWebSocketReady = true;
    catch (e) {
        console.error('Failed to register messages. Error in registering message: ' + e.toString());

//data after receiving is sent here for processing
function handleRcvMsg(msg){
    var msgObj = JSON.parse(msg);
    if (msgObj.type != "action") return; //Early return;

    var actions = msgObj.data.actions;
    var actionName = actions[0].name; //assume that there is only one action in actions
    console.log("The received action is " + actionName);

 * Send one message to ARTIK Cloud
//This function is responsible for sending commands to cloud
//function sendStateToArtikCloud(parking,temperature,water){
function sendDataToArtikCloud(pantry){
	var result=pantry.split(" ");//data gets split by " " to get the values
        ts = ', "ts": '+getTimeMillis();
        var data = {
            "Garlic": result[1],
            "Humidity": result[5],
            "Onion": result[7]
        var payload = '{"sdid":"'+device_id+'"'+ts+', "data": '+JSON.stringify(data)+', "cid":"'+getTimeMillis()+'"}';
        console.log('Sending payload ' + payload + '\n');
        ws.send(payload, {mask: true});
    } catch (e) {
        console.error('Error in sending a message: ' + e.toString() +'\n');

function exitClosePins() {
        console.log('Exit and destroy all pins!');

//exectes every second when data is received from arduino (5sec programmed delay from arduino)
sp.on("open", function () {
    sp.on('data', function(data) {

            console.log("Serial port received data:" + data);
            //var result=data.split(" ");//data gets split by " " to get the values

process.on('SIGINT', exitClosePins);


enter image description here


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



parser: serialport.parsers.Readline("\n")

答案 1 :(得分:0)



var serialport = require("serialport")
var SerialPort = serialport.SerialPort;
var sp = new serialport("/dev/ttyACM0"),{
  BaudRate: 9600,
  parser: new serialport.parsers.Readline("\r\n")
