
时间:2017-09-25 08:50:55

标签: openerp odoo-10 odoo-view

我正在处理帐户报告,我需要在试算表标记 (这是一个很多小部件) >在选项 - 会计科目表

Image of the section-

enter image description here

I was successful in adding the field of Tags in the report as shown below-

enter image description here

问题: - 我面临的问题是我无法将标签的值带到标签下的报告中。

代码: -

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

        <!-- Trial Balance Tag print -->
        <template id="report_trialbalance" inherit_id="account.report_trialbalance">
            <xpath expr="//table[@class='table table-condensed']//thead//tr//th" position="after">
            <xpath expr="//table[@class='table table-condensed']//tbody//tr//td" position="after">
                <td t-foreach="Accounts" t-as="account">
                    <span t-att-style="style" t-esc="account['tag_ids']" t-options="{'widget': 'many2many_tags'}" />

如果有人能帮助我在报告中提供标签的价值,请 提前致谢。

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