
时间:2017-09-24 20:16:02

标签: assembly buffer dos dosbox x86-16




.model small

stack 100h


    ;reading buffer
    buffSize DB 255       ;Number of maximum characters than can be read
    read DB ?             ;Number of characters that was read
    buffer  DB 255 dup (?) ;Read characters are placed here

    ;Other data
    input DB "Input your string: $",13,10


    MOV ax,@data
    MOV ds,ax

    MOV ah,9
    MOV dx, OFFSET input
    INT 21h                     ;Prints input string

    MOV ah, 0Ah
    MOV dx, OFFSET buffSize
    INT 21h                     ;Text is read

    MOV bx, OFFSET buffer       ;Address of buffer is inserted to bx
    MOV cl, read                ;Content of read is inserted to cl
    MOV ch, 0                   ;In cl there is a number of inserted characters

    MOV byte ptr [ds:bx], '$'

    MOV ah, 9
    MOV dx, OFFSET buffer
    INT 21h

    MOV ah,4Ch
    INT 21h
END Start

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

input DB "Input your string: "
nextLine db "$",13,10

nextLine 不会做太多。将“$”置于后面13,10 Best还会在同一行上划分输入文字

input    db "Input your string: $"
nextLine db 13,10,"$"
buffSize DB 255       ;Number of maximum characters than can be read
read DB ?             ;Number of characters that was read
buffer  DB 25 dup (?) ;Read characters are placed here

如果允许输入255个字符,还应该定义一个足够大的缓冲区! 25 dup (?)远小于255的规定大小。

要重新打印输入,请在文字后面添加 $

mov  bx, OFFSET buffer     ;Start of the text
add  bl, read              ; plus the number of characters in the text
adc  bh, 0                 ;Maybe there was a carry from previous addition!
mov  byte ptr [bx], "$"    ;DOS needs string $-terminated
mov  ah, 09h               ;DOS.DisplayString
mov  dx, OFFSET buffer
int  21h

答案 1 :(得分:0)


    mov di, cx
    mov [bx+di], '$'