将数据导出到CSV文件NodejS Express

时间:2017-09-24 11:29:56

标签: javascript node.js mongodb csv mongoose




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导出为CSV可分为两个主要步骤: 1.将您的数据安排到CSV结构/模型中。 2.导出数据/使其在客户端下载。

所以我会把它分解。 第一步 - 将数据排列为CSV结构/模型: 要将数据转换为CSV结构,很可能您可以找到一个库,该库可以获取您要导出的数据并将其格式化为CSV格式。 如果您的数据模型与我的数据模型一样复杂,则必须创建自定义函数。无论哪种方式,这都不应该太复杂。 我使用的这种功能的一个例子:

// The function gets a list of objects ('dataList' arg), each one would be a single row in the future-to-be CSV file
// The headers to the columns would be sent in an array ('headers' args). It is taken as the second arg
function dataToCSV(dataList,headers){
    var allObjects = [];
    // Pushing the headers, as the first arr in the 2-dimensional array 'allObjects' would be the first row

    //Now iterating through the list and build up an array that contains the data of every object in the list, in the same order of the headers
        var arr = [];

        // Adding the array as additional element to the 2-dimensional array. It will evantually be converted to a single row

   // Initializing the output in a new variable 'csvContent'
    var csvContent = "";

    // The code below takes two-dimensional array and converts it to be strctured as CSV
    // *** It can be taken apart from the function, if all you need is to convert an array to CSV
    allObjects.forEach(function(infoArray, index){
      var dataString = infoArray.join(",");
      csvContent += index < allObjects.length ? dataString+ "\n" : dataString;

    // Returning the CSV output
    return csvContent;

现在,第二步 - 导出数据: 为了导出数据,在检查了几个选项之后,我发现最方便(对我而言)是通过HTTP标头发送数据并使浏览器下载文件并将其解析为CSV。我用以下代码制作的:

//this statement tells the browser what type of data is supposed to download and force it to download
    res.writeHead(200, {
        'Content-Type': 'text/csv',
        'Content-Disposition': 'attachment; filename=*custom_name*.csv'
// whereas this part is in charge of telling what data should be parsed and be downloaded

总之, 我做了这篇文章,所以其他人不会像我在使用nodejs和express导出CSV时那样挣扎。 如果您发现任何错误,或者您认为上述某些内容应该得到更彻底的解释,请告诉我,我会做出必要的更改。
