
时间:2017-09-24 06:05:37

标签: php mysql


    $lat = "27.7350758";
    $long = "85.3102946";

    $result = $conn->query( 'SELECT * , (3956 * 2 * ASIN(SQRT( POWER(SIN(( $lat - college_lat) * pi()/180 / 2), 2) +COS( $lat * pi()/180) * COS(college_lat * pi()/180) * POWER(SIN(( $long - college_lon) * pi()/180 / 2), 2) ))) as distance from colleges having distance <= 10 order by distance' );

                if ( $result->num_rows>0 ) {
                    // output data of each row
                    while( $row = $result->fetch_assoc() ) {
                        echo '<div class="category"><div class="cover" style="background-image: url(img/animation.jpg);"><div>'; ?>    
                        <td><?php echo $row[ "college_name" ]; ?></td>  
                        echo '</div></div><span class="counter ">Courses : <span>' . $row[ "college_courses" ] . '</span></span>';
                        echo '<span class="counter "> Distance : <span>' . $row[ "college_address" ] . '</span></span>';
                        echo '<span class="near-you"> <p>'. substr( $row[ "college_desc" ], 0 , 100) . '</p> </span></div>'; ?>
                        <a href="single.php?college_id=<?php echo $row['college_id'];?>"> Read More... </a>

                } else {
                    echo "Colleges Not Found Please add";



注意:尝试在第56行的C:\ xampp \ htdocs \ _city \ index.php中获取非对象的属性   未找到大学请添加

如果我删除$ lat和$ long,那么保持查询值可以正常工作。 我的错误是什么,请建议我。谢谢

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


$result = $conn->query( "SELECT * , (3956 * 2 * ASIN(SQRT( POWER(SIN(( $lat - college_lat) * pi()/180 / 2), 2) +COS( $lat * pi()/180) * COS(college_lat * pi()/180) * POWER(SIN(( $long - college_lon) * pi()/180 / 2), 2) ))) as distance from colleges having distance <= 10 order by distance" );

What is the difference between single-quoted and double-quoted strings in PHP?

答案 1 :(得分:0)


$stmt = $mysqli->prepare("SELECT * , (3956 * 2 * ASIN(SQRT(POWER(SIN((? - college_lat) * pi()/180 / 2), 2) + COS(? * pi()/180) * COS(college_lat * pi()/180) * POWER(SIN(( ? - college_lon) * pi()/180 / 2), 2) ))) as distance from colleges having distance <= 10 order by distance");
$stmt->bind_param('ddd', $lat, $lat, $long);