我没有在C#中使用联盟按排名实现找到任何良好的 Disjoint Set 实现,所以我实现了自己的。它适用于O(log n)时间复杂度。
class DisjointSetUBR
int[] parent;
int[] rank; // height of tree
public DisjointSetUBR(int[] arr)
parent = new int[arr.Length +1];
rank = new int[arr.Length + 1];
public void MakeSet(int i)
parent[i] = i;
public int Find(int i)
while (i!=parent[i]) // If i is not root of tree we set i to his parent until we reach root (parent of all parents)
i = parent[i];
return i;
// Path compression, O(log*n). For practical values of n, log* n <= 5
public int FindPath(int i)
if (i!=parent[i])
parent[i] = FindPath(parent[i]);
return parent[i];
public void Union(int i, int j)
int i_id = Find(i); // Find the root of first tree (set) and store it in i_id
int j_id = Find(j); // // Find the root of second tree (set) and store it in j_id
if (i_id == j_id) // If roots are equal (they have same parents) than they are in same tree (set)
if (rank[i_id] > rank[j_id]) // If height of first tree is larger than second tree
parent[j_id] = i_id; // We hang second tree under first, parent of second tree is same as first tree
parent[i_id] = j_id; // We hang first tree under second, parent of first tree is same as second tree
if (rank[i_id] == rank[j_id]) // If heights are same
rank[j_id]++; // We hang first tree under second, that means height of tree is incremented by one
答案 0 :(得分:0)
在Sedgewick教授的“算法”一书中,他mentions加权快速结合 路径压缩“它应该具有反向Ackermann函数,用于查找/联合的摊销时间。
你是对的,.Net中没有任何Disjoint Set的实现。