include C:\Irvine\Irvine32.inc
;Variables are listed in following order VAR DATATYPE DIGITS[RADIX] with
comments showing binary version of listed digits
left DWORD 321 ;101000001b
right DWORD 4247 ;1000010010111b
total DWORD ? ;uninitialized
diff DWORD ? ;uninitialized
;Calculate length of Array and move to var ArrayLength
Array WORD 1,2,4,8,16,32,64 ;Array
ArrayLength = ($ - Array) / 2
main PROC
;Move left and right to respective registers
MOV eax,left
MOV ebx,right
;Add left var and right var and store in new var called total and move to
MOV total,eax
ADD total,ebx
MOV ecx,total
;Subtract left var and right var and store in new var called diff and move
to edx
MOV diff,eax
SUB diff,ebx
MOV edx,diff
;Define a string called message containing HELLO WORLD!
message BYTE '"Hello world!"'
;Move Array to esi
MOV esi,ArrayLength
CALL DumpRegs
main ENDP
END main
第36行是MOV edx,diff
任何想法可能会发生什么? 我正在使用Visual Studio 2017的记录