或者您可以展示如何将 HTML表转换为FPDF表并将代码放在这里吗?
$person = mysql_fetch_array($result);
我希望在使用this =(example)
添加到表内时起作用$pdf->Cell(0,260,''.$person["CA"],'C',0 ,1); --- .$person["CA"]
答案 0 :(得分:6)
我不知道左边是否需要巨大的空白。如果是这样,你必须在每次写入之前调用$ this-> SetX($ coordinate)。
class InvoicePDF extends FPDF //Create a new class to contain the header/footer/etc. which extends FPDF
public function Header
//Header stuff goes here, like the big Invoice
$this->SetY(10); //SetY 10 units down from the top, experiment with distance to get appropriate distance
$this->SetFont('Arial','',20); //Set Font to Arial/Helvetica 20 pt font
$this->SetTextColor(0,0,0); //Set Text Color to Black;
$this->Cell(0,9,"INVOICE",0,0,'R'); //Write the word INVOICE Right aligned in a box the width of the page, will put it at the far right of the page
public function Footer
//any footer stuff goes here
public function FillHeadInfo($info) //$info would be an array of the stuff to fill the small table at the top
$this->SetY(0); //reset the Y to the original, since we moved it down to write INVOICE
$this->SetFillColor(224,224,224); //Set background of the cell to be that grey color
$this->Cell(20,12,"Order #",1,0,'C',true); //Write a cell 20 wide, 12 high, filled and bordered, with Order # centered inside, last argument 'true' tells it to fill the cell with the color specified
$this->Cell(20,12,"Sales Code",1,1,'C',true); //the 1 before the 'C' instead of 0 in previous lines tells it to move down by the height of the cell after writing this
$this->Cell(40,12,"Name & Address",1,0,'C',true);
$y = this->GetY(); //Need the current Y value to reset it after the next line, as multicell automatically moves down after write
$x = this->GetX(); // Might need the X too
$this->MultiCell(40,12,$info['customername'] . "\n" . $info['address'] . "\n" . $info['city'] . ', ' . $info['state'] . ' ' . $info['zip'],1,'L',false); //I assume the customer address info is broken up into multiple different pieces
$this->SetY($y); //Reset the write point
$this->SetX($x + 40); //Move X to $x + width of last cell
$this->Cell(20,36,date("format",strtotime($info['date'])),1,1,'C'); //Might be easier to use $this->Rect() to draw rectangles for address and date and then write the address and date into them without borders using SetX and SetY, if the borders don't line up or whatever
public function fillItems($items)
//You'd build the items list much the same way as above, using a foreach loop or whatever
//Could also easily combine this function and the one above
//Get whatever info you need to fill the pdf
$pdf = new InvoicePDF('P','mm','Letter');
$pdf->FillHeadInfo($info); //Could also pass $_POST and rely on the keys of the $_POST array
顺便说一句,我建议而不是尝试从$ _POST编写它,将命令保存到DB,然后将订单ID传递给脚本以通过链接和$ _GET写入pdf,并且让脚本从数据库中检索信息,这样您就可以只选择所需的信息。