
时间:2017-09-22 14:58:06

标签: r datetime


"2008Q1", "2008M1", "2008M2", "2008M3", "2008Q2", "2008M4", "2008M5", 
"2008M6", "2008Q3", "2008M7", "2008M8", "2008M9", "2008Q4", "2008M10", 
"2008M11", "2008M12", "2009", "2009Q1", "2009M1", "2009M2", "2009M3", 
"2009Q2", "2009M4", "2009M5", "2009M6", "2009Q3", "2009M7", "2009M8", 
"2009M9", "2009Q4", "2009M10", "2009M11", "2009M12", "2010"


DFreq       Date
Quarterly   1/3/2008
Monthly     1/1/2008
Monthly     1/2/2008
Monthly     1/3/2008
Monthly     1/12/2008
Annual      1/12/2009

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)



df <- data_frame(date = c("2008Q1", "2008M1", "2008M2", "2008M3", "2008Q2", "2008M4", "2008M5", 
                          "2008M6", "2008Q3", "2008M7", "2008M8", "2008M9", "2008Q4", "2008M10", 
                          "2008M11", "2008M12", "2009", "2009Q1", "2009M1", "2009M2", "2009M3", 
                          "2009Q2", "2009M4", "2009M5", "2009M6", "2009Q3", "2009M7", "2009M8", 
                          "2009M9", "2009Q4", "2009M10", "2009M11", "2009M12", "2010"))

df %>% 
    mutate(frequency = recode(gsub('\\d', '', date),    # remove all numbers...
                              'M' = 'Monthly',    ...and recode as words
                              'Q' = 'Quarterly', 
                              .default = 'Annually'),
           date = anytime::anydate(date),    # parse to year-month
           date = {month(date) <- month(date) * recode(frequency,    # ...and correct the month
                                                       'Annually' = 12, 
                                                       'Quarterly' = 3, 
                                                       .default = 1); 
#> # A tibble: 34 x 2
#>          date frequency
#>        <date>     <chr>
#>  1 2008-03-01 Quarterly
#>  2 2008-01-01   Monthly
#>  3 2008-02-01   Monthly
#>  4 2008-03-01   Monthly
#>  5 2008-06-01 Quarterly
#>  6 2008-04-01   Monthly
#>  7 2008-05-01   Monthly
#>  8 2008-06-01   Monthly
#>  9 2008-09-01 Quarterly
#> 10 2008-07-01   Monthly
#> # ... with 24 more rows


df %>% 
    mutate(frequency = recode(gsub('\\d', '', date),
                              'M' = 'Monthly', 
                              'Q' = 'Quarterly', 
                              .default = 'Annually'),
           date = as_date(parse_date_time(
               c('Ym', 'Yq', 'Y'),    # possible formats
               select_formats = function(dates){    # function to determine format
                   recode(gsub('\\%.[a-z]?', '', names(dates)), 
                          'M' = '%YM%m', 
                          'Q' = '%YQ%q', 
                          .default = '%Y')
#> # A tibble: 34 x 2
#>          date frequency
#>        <date>     <chr>
#>  1 2008-01-01 Quarterly
#>  2 2008-01-01   Monthly
#>  3 2008-02-01   Monthly
#>  4 2008-03-01   Monthly
#>  5 2008-04-01 Quarterly
#>  6 2008-04-01   Monthly
#>  7 2008-05-01   Monthly
#>  8 2008-06-01   Monthly
#>  9 2008-07-01 Quarterly
#> 10 2008-07-01   Monthly
#> # ... with 24 more rows

答案 1 :(得分:1)


Unit: milliseconds
      expr       min        lq      mean    median        uq       max neval
  benjamin 432.43466 433.31058 439.30987 439.20125 444.05267 448.95130    10
   pogibas 665.64618 718.50771 734.78987 745.73741 747.14000 767.26852    10
 alistaire  16.85593  17.13333  17.35033  17.31104  17.52041  17.92627    10


因为我很好奇,所以我通过 var arr = [{"id":1,"name":"Mike"},{"id":2,"name":"Tom"},{"id":3,"name":"Herman"},{"id":4,"name":"Ursula"},{"id":5,"name":"Sam"},{"id":6,"name":"Jenny"},{"id":7,"name":"Helga"},{"id":8,"name":"Nikolas"},{"id":9,"name":"Surgen"},{"id":10,"name":"Jorg"}]; var table_str='<table id="tblResultsList" border="1"></table>'; $('#rstSearch').append(table_str); var index=0; var index_total=0; var row_str=''; for(key in arr){ index++; index_total++; if(index==1){ row_str='<tr>'; }; row_str+='<td><input data-id="'+arr[key].id+'" class="my-btn" type="button" value="'+arr[key].name+'"></td>'; if(index==4){ row_str+='</tr>'; index=0; $('#tblResultsList').append(row_str); row_str=''; } if(arr.length==index_total){ row_str+='</tr>'; $('#tblResultsList').append(row_str); } }; var btn_max_width = 0; $('.my-btn').each(function(){ var test_width=$(this).outerWidth(true); btn_max_width = Math.max(btn_max_width, test_width); }); $('.my-btn').css({'width':btn_max_width, 'height':btn_max_width}); $('.my-btn').click(function(){ var id=$(this).attr('data-id'); alert(id); }); 完成了这些操作并提出了

<script type="text/javascript">
        $("#placeTable").on('click', 'button.remove', function(e){
            var id = $(this).data('id');
            bootbox.confirm("Are you sure you want to remove?", function(result) {
                if (result) {
                    $.post('/removelocation', {lid : id}, function(){
                        $('#placeTable tr[data-id="'+ id +'"]').remove();

所以我要说@ alistaire的答案。

答案 2 :(得分:1)

类似于Benjamin's的解决方案(我使用convertDate <- function(x) { DFreq <- "Annual" Date <- paste0("1/12/", x) foo <- unlist(strsplit(x, "[A-Z]")) if (length(grep("Q", x)) == 1) { DFreq <- "Quarterly" Date <- paste0("1/", as.numeric(foo[2]) * 3, "/", foo[1]) } else if (length(grep("M", x)) == 1) { DFreq <- "Monthly" Date <- paste0("1/", foo[2], "/", foo[1]) } return(data.frame(DFreq, Date)) } INPUT <- c("2008M5", "2009Q3", "2011") res <- sapply(INPUT, convertDate, simplify = FALSE) do.call("rbind", res) DFreq Date 2008M5 Monthly 1/5/2008 2009Q3 Quarterly 1/9/2009 2011 Annual 1/12/2011 grep Quarters或Months)和-获得想要的格式。
