<ui:composition ... >
<cc:attribute name="value" type="model.DayMonth" required="true" />
<cc:editableValueHolder name="forMonth" targets="selected_month" />
<p:selectOneMenu id="selected_month" value="#{cc.attrs.value.monthAsString}">
<f:selectItems value="#{cc.attrs.value.months}"/>
<h:form id="form">
<comp:daymonth id="von" value="#{controller.von}">
<comp:daymonth id="bis" value="#{controller.bis}">
<f:validator binding="#{vonBisValidator}" for="forMonth"/>
public class vonBisValidator implements Validator, Serializable {
public void validate(final FacesContext context, final UIComponent component, final Object value) throws ValidatorException {
// Just to show what ist going on, the real implementation would check the values against each other, sets invalid and throws exception etc.
try {
final UIViewRoot viewRoot = context.getViewRoot();
final SelectOneMenu gueltigVon = (SelectOneMenu) viewRoot.findComponent("form:von:selected_month");
final SelectOneMenu gueltigBis = (SelectOneMenu) viewRoot.findComponent("form:bis:selected_month");
final Object vonValue = gueltigVon.getValue();
final Object bisValue = gueltigBis.getValue();
final Object bisValueS = gueltigBis.getSubmittedValue();
final Object vonValueS = gueltigVon.getSubmittedValue();
System.out.println("vonValue : " + vonValue + "\t bisValue :" + bisValue);
System.out.println("vonValueS: " + vonValueS + "\t bisValueS:" + bisValueS);
} catch (final Exception ex) {
屏幕上显示“von:Märzbis:Oktober”,正如数据库阅读所预期的那样。 当我选择另一个“bis”时,例如。 Januar,System.out是:
vonValue : Oktober bisValue :Oktober
vonValueS: null bisValueS:Januar
Why ist vonValue of von-Component Oktober? Should it not be März?
之后我选择另一个“bis”,例如。 Februar,System.out是:
vonValue : Januar bisValue :Januar
vonValueS: null bisValueS:Februar
Why ist vonValue of von-Component Januar?
public Object eval(Serializable key, Object defaultValue) {
Object retVal = get(key);
if (retVal == null) {
ValueExpression ve = component.getValueExpression(key.toString());
if (ve != null) {
retVal = ve.getValue(component.getFacesContext().getELContext());
return ((retVal != null) ? retVal : defaultValue);
为什么component.getFacesContext()。getELContext()不成立,ValueExpression.getValue(..)区分“composit component” - 组件值?
如何将一个“composit组件” - 组件值(例如selected_month)的值放入“composit组件” - 组件验证器中,以便对两个“composit组件”组件进行交叉字段验证?
Wilfdfly 10.1.0 PrimeFaces 6.1