
时间:2017-09-21 18:57:39

标签: c# ajax asp.net-mvc model-view-controller content-security-policy



vendor.js:328未捕获的EvalError:拒绝将字符串评估为JavaScript,因为'unsafe-eval'不是以下内容安全策略指令中允许的脚本源:“script-src'self'localhost:* ajax.googleapis.com ajax.aspnetcdn.com“。

我知道我可以通过设置UnsafeEval = true,来解决此错误 但这是不安全的,并打开我的网站,直到XSS漏洞。


new CspFormActionAttribute()
    // Allow forms to post back to example.com.
    // CustomSources = "*.example.com",
    // Allow forms to post back to the same domain.
    Self = true

new CspChildSrcAttribute()
    // Allow web workers or embed frames from example.com.
    // CustomSources = "*.example.com",
    // Allow web workers or embed frames from the same domain.
    Self = false

// connect-src - This directive restricts which URIs the protected resource can load using script interfaces
// (Ajax Calls and Web Sockets).
    new CspConnectSrcAttribute()

        // Allow Browser Link to work in debug mode only.
        CustomSources = string.Join(" ", "localhost:*", "ws://localhost:*"),

        // Allow AJAX and Web Sockets to example.com.
        // CustomSources = "*.example.com",

        // Allow all AJAX and Web Sockets calls from the same domain.
        Self = true

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