
时间:2017-09-21 05:57:26

标签: matlab svm feature-extraction

我有以下交叉验证线性SVM的实现。我想知道哪个输出变量代表特征权重,因此特征的相关性?在存储训练分类器参数的“cl”变量中,我找到变量“W”和“alpha” - 据我所知,alpha表示分类器系数 - 因此alpha是反映每个分类器重要性的变量特征?在我的情况下,“W”似乎对于每个条目几乎为零,而alpha在0和1之间,通常等于1.

%% SVM-Classification
nrFolds = 10; %number of folds of crossvalidation, 10 is standard
kernel = 'linear'; % 'linear', 'rbf' or 'polynomial'
C = 1; % C is the 'boxconstraint' parameter. Small C = Allow for more missclassif.
solver = 'L1QP';

cvFolds = crossvalind('Kfold', labels, nrFolds);

for i = 1:nrFolds                            % iteratre through each fold
    testIdx = (cvFolds == i);                % indices of test instances
    trainIdx = ~testIdx;                     % indices training instances

    % train the SVM
    cl = fitcsvm(features(trainIdx,:), labels(trainIdx),'KernelFunction',kernel,'Standardize',true,...

    [label,scores] =  predict(cl, features(testIdx,:));
    eq = sum(label==labels(testIdx));
    accuracy(i) = eq/numel(labels(testIdx));


crossValAcc = mean(accuracy)

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