raspberry pi 3型号B和中国PN532无法通过SPI工作

时间:2017-09-20 18:13:49

标签: python nfc raspberry-pi3

我通过SPI用SPI切换PN532 (在我使用rc522通过SPI测试RPI并且模块正常工作之前)

阅读代码https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_Python_PN532 例如/ readmifare.py

与线路的连接: 对于RPi3b

RPI         -        PN532

17 3.3v               VCC       
20 Ground             GND       
19 MOSI               MOSI     
21 MISO               MISO      
23 SCLK               SCK      
24 CE0                SS        
26 CE1  


#Conf for RPi 3
CS = 24
MOSI = 19
MISO = 21
SCLK = 23

sudo python readmifare.py

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "readmifare.py", line 54, in <module>
  File "/home/pi/Adafruit_Python_PN532/examples/PN532.py", line 343, in begin
  File "/home/pi/Adafruit_Python_PN532/examples/PN532.py", line 352, in get_firmware_version
    raise RuntimeError('Failed to detect the PN532!  Make sure there is sufficient power (use a 1 amp or greater power supply), the PN532 is wired correctly to the device, and the solder joints on the PN532 headers are solidly connected.')
RuntimeError: Failed to detect the PN532!  Make sure there is sufficient power (use a 1 amp or greater power supply), the PN532 is wired correctly to the device, and the solder joints on the PN532 headers are solidly connected.

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