我已经谷歌搜索并搜索了这个并尝试了很多东西,但我似乎无法将该应用程序移除到iPad上。它是一个仅限iPhone的应用程序,我甚至没有iPad来测试它,因此我甚至无法让ipad“通过App Store实现它”。我在本文的底部包含了我当前版本的config.xml,你会看到我有标准:
<preference name="target-device" value="handset" />
<gap:config-file platform="ios" parent="UIDeviceFamily" mode="replace">
...当我在PhoneGap版本中编译ipa并在我的itunes中打开它时,它甚至说它只适用于iPhone和iPod touch:
...但是当我通过Application loader上传时,它会在iTunes Connect中显示为可用于iPad以及TestFlight。奇怪的是,它不需要iPad友好的屏幕截图,这让我觉得我在那里的一部分,但审核团队坚持认为我让iPad值得它进入商店并且它有一点时间关键。
<widget xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/ns/widgets"
xmlns:gap = "http://phonegap.com/ns/1.0"
version = "14">
<gap:config-file platform="ios" parent="CFBundleShortVersionString">
<author href="http://XXXXXX.co.uk" email="XXXX@XXXXXXXXX.co.uk">
<!-- Define the main entry-point to the application -->
<content src="index.html" />
<!-- Customize your app and platform with the preference element. -->
<preference name="orientation" value="portrait" /> <!-- all: default means both landscape and portrait are enabled -->
<preference name="target-device" value="handset" /> <!-- all: possible values handset, tablet, or universal -->
<preference name="fullscreen" value="true" /> <!-- all: hides the status bar at the top of the screen -->
<preference name="webviewbounce" value="true" /> <!-- ios: control whether the screen 'bounces' when scrolled beyond the top -->
<preference name="prerendered-icon" value="true" /> <!-- ios: if icon is prerendered, iOS will not apply it's gloss to the app's icon on the user's home screen -->
<preference name="stay-in-webview" value="false" /> <!-- ios: external links should open in the default browser, 'true' would use the webview the app lives in -->
<preference name="ios-statusbarstyle" value="default" /> <!-- ios: black-translucent will appear black because the PhoneGap webview doesn't go beneath the status bar -->
<preference name="detect-data-types" value="false" /> <!-- ios: controls whether data types (such as phone no. and dates) are automatically turned into links by the system -->
<preference name="exit-on-suspend" value="true" /> <!-- ios: if set to true, app will terminate when home button is pressed -->
<preference name="show-splash-screen-spinner" value="true" /> <!-- ios: if set to false, the spinner won't appear on the splash screen during app loading -->
<preference name="auto-hide-splash-screen" value="true" /> <!-- ios: if set to false, the splash screen must be hidden using a JavaScript API -->
<preference name="deployment-target" value="8.0" />
<preference name="phonegap-version" value="cli-6.5.0" />
<!-- Plugins -->
<!-- Core plugins -->
<plugin name="cordova-plugin-console" source="npm" spec="~1.0.2" />
<plugin name="cordova-plugin-device" source="npm" spec="~1.1.1" />
<plugin name="cordova-plugin-dialogs" source="npm" spec="~1.2.0" />
<plugin name="cordova-plugin-inappbrowser" source="npm" spec="~1.3.0" />
<plugin name="cordova-plugin-network-information" source="npm" spec="~1.2.0" />
<plugin name="cordova-plugin-splashscreen" source="npm" spec="~3.2.1" />
<plugin name="cordova-plugin-statusbar" source="npm" spec="~2.1.2" />
<plugin name="cordova-plugin-vibration" source="npm" spec="~2.1.0" />
<plugin name="cordova-plugin-whitelist" source="npm" spec="~1.2.1" />
<gap:config-file platform="ios" parent="ITSAppUsesNonExemptEncryption" mode="add">
<gap:config-file platform="ios" parent="UIDeviceFamily" mode="replace">
<!-- Define app icon and splashscreen for each platform. -->
<icon src="icon.png" gap:platform="ios" width="57" height="57"/>
<icon src="res/icon/ios/icon-57.png" gap:platform="ios" width="57" height="57"/>
<icon src="res/icon/ios/icon-57@2x.png" gap:platform="ios" width="114" height="114"/>
<icon src="res/icon/ios/icon-72.png" gap:platform="ios" width="72" height="72"/>
<icon src="res/icon/ios/icon-72@2x.png" gap:platform="ios" width="144" height="144"/>
<!-- iPhone / iPod Touch -->
<icon src="res/icon/ios/icon-60.png" gap:platform="ios" width="60" height="60" />
<icon src="res/icon/ios/icon-60@2x.png" gap:platform="ios" width="120" height="120" />
<!-- iPhone 6 / 6+ -->
<icon src="res/icon/ios/icon-60@3x.png" gap:platform="ios" width="180" height="180" />
<!-- Settings Icon -->
<icon src="res/icon/ios/icon-small.png" platform="ios" width="29" height="29" />
<icon src="res/icon/ios/icon-small@2x.png" platform="ios" width="58" height="58" />
<icon src="res/icon/ios/icon-small@3x.png" platform="ios" width="87" height="87" />
<!-- Spotlight Icon -->
<icon src="res/icon/ios/icon-40.png" platform="ios" width="40" height="40" />
<icon src="res/icon/ios/icon-40@2x.png" platform="ios" width="80" height="80" />
<icon src="res/icon/ios/icon-40@3x.png" platform="ios" width="120" height="120" />
<!-- iPhone and iPod touch -->
<gap:splash src="res/screen/ios/Default.png" gap:platform="ios" width="320" height="480" />
<gap:splash src="res/screen/ios/Default@2x.png" gap:platform="ios" width="640" height="960" />
<!-- iPhone 5 / iPod Touch (5th Generation) -->
<gap:splash src="res/screen/ios/Default-568h.png" gap:platform="ios" width="320" height="568" />
<gap:splash src="res/screen/ios/Default-568h@2x.png" gap:platform="ios" width="640" height="1136" />
<!-- iPhone 6 -->
<gap:splash src="res/screen/ios/Default-667h@2x.png" gap:platform="ios" width="750" height="1334" />
<gap:splash src="res/screen/ios/Default-Portrait-736h@3x.png" gap:platform="ios" width="1242" height="2208" />
<gap:splash src="res/screen/ios/Default-Landscape-736h@3x.png" gap:platform="ios" width="2208" height="1242" />
<access origin="*" />
<allow-intent href="http://*/*" />
<allow-intent href="https://*/*" />
<allow-intent href="tel:*" />
<allow-intent href="sms:*" />
<allow-intent href="mailto:*" />
<allow-intent href="geo:*" />
我也刚刚看到,即使在iTunes Connect中,当我点击构建时,它会将其列为没有iPad的iPhone / iPod touch ......只有当它在TestFlight中并提交审核时才会显示适用于iPad?!我从哪里开始?!
答案 0 :(得分:0)
由于该应用程序将在iPhone 4尺寸上显示,因此您不需要iPad来测试它是否正常。无论如何,您可以使用模拟器进行测试