我有一组位置 - 这是数据结构的一个例子。
my $locations =
loc_1 =>
start => 1,
end => 193,
loc_2 =>
start => 180,
end => 407,
loc_3 =>
start => 329,
end => 684,
loc_4 =>
start => 651,
end => 720,
my $non_overlapping_locations =
loc_1 =>
start => 1,
end => 193,
loc_3 =>
start => 329,
end => 684,
loc_1 =>
start => 1,
end => 193,
loc_4 =>
start => 651,
end => 720,
loc_2 =>
start => 180,
end => 407,
loc_4 =>
start => 651,
end => 720,
答案 0 :(得分:1)
my @location_keys = keys %{$locations};
while (my $key_for_checking = (shift @location_keys) {
foreach my $key_to_compare (@location_keys) {
if ( do_not_overlap($locations->{$key_for_checking},
$locations->{$key_to_compare} ) {
add_to_output($key_for_checking, $key_to_compare);
如果你想知道检查重叠......这非常简单。 如果出现以下情况,A和B不会重叠:
( (A->start < B->start) && (A->end < B->start) ) ||
( (A->start > B->end) && (A->end > B->end) )
答案 1 :(得分:1)
1, 180 -> 1
180, 193 -> 2
193, 329 -> 1
329, 407 -> 2
407, 651 -> 1
651, 684 -> 2
684, 720 -> 1
并循环哪些段有多于1个(在这种情况下有3个)。因此,案例总数为2 x 2 x 2 = 8个解决方案(您只能在解决方案中选择一个加工多个区间的段)。
)。重叠的细分中将包含以下细分[1,2], [2,3], [3,4]
we are here [1,2], [2,3], [3,4]:
chose 1 -> // eliminate 2 from rest and force 1 (3 is a single choice so we do the same)
[1], [3], [3] -> [1, 3] solution
chose 2 -> // eliminate 1 from the rest and force 2 (2 single choice so we do the same).
[2], [2], [4] -> [2, 4] solution
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;
use Data::Dumper;
my $locs = {
loc_1 => {
start => 1,
end => 193,
loc_2 => {
start => 180,
end => 407,
loc_3 => {
start => 329,
end => 684,
loc_4 => {
start => 651,
end => 720,
my (%starts, %ends);
map {
my ($start, $end) = ($locs->{$_}->{start}, $locs->{$_}->{end});
push @{ $starts{$start} }, $_;
push @{ $ends{$end} }, $_;
} keys %$locs;
my @overlaps, my %tmp;
map {
map { $tmp{$_} = 1 } @{$starts{$_}};
map { delete $tmp{$_} } @{$ends{$_}};
my @segs = keys %tmp;
push @overlaps, \@segs if 1 < @segs
} sort (keys %starts, keys %ends);
sub parse_non_overlapping {
my ($array,$pos)=($_[0], $_[1]);
my @node = @{$array->[$pos]};
foreach my $value ( @node ) {
my @work = map { [@$_] } @$array;
$work[$pos] = [ $value ];
my ($removed, $forced) = ( {}, {$value => 1});
map { $removed->{$_} = 1 if $_ ne $value } @node;
my ($i, $new_pos) = (0, -1);
for ( $i = $pos + 1; $i <= $#work; $i++ ) {
$_ = $work[$i];
#apply map
@$_ = grep { not defined($removed->{$_}) } @$_;
if ( $#$_ == 0 ) { $forced->{@$_[0]} = 1 }
#apply force
my @tmp = grep { defined $forced->{$_} } @$_;
if ( $#tmp == 0 ) {
map { $removed->{$_} = 1 if $tmp[0] ne $_ } @$_;
@$_ = @tmp;
if ( $#$_ > 0 && $new_pos == -1 ) {
$new_pos = $i;
$work[$i] = $_;
if ( $new_pos != -1 ) {
parse_non_overlapping(\@work, $new_pos);
} else {
print Dumper \@work
# @work has the partial solution minux completely non overlapping segments.
parse_non_overlapping(\@overlaps, 0);
答案 2 :(得分:1)
use strict;
use warnings;
my $locations =
loc_1 =>
start => 1,
end => 193,
loc_2 =>
start => 180,
end => 407,
loc_3 =>
start => 329,
end => 684,
loc_4 =>
start => 651,
end => 720,
my $non_overlapping_locations = [];
my @locations = sort keys %$locations;
get_location_combinations( $locations, $non_overlapping_locations, [], @locations );
use Data::Dumper;
print Data::Dumper::Dumper($non_overlapping_locations);
sub get_location_combinations {
my ($locations, $results, $current, @remaining) = @_;
if ( ! @remaining ) {
if ( not_a_subset_combination( $results, $current ) ) {
push @$results, $current;
else {
my $next = shift @remaining;
if (can_add_location( $locations, $current, $next )) {
get_location_combinations( $locations, $results, [ @$current, $next ], @remaining );
get_location_combinations( $locations, $results, [ @$current ], @remaining );
sub can_add_location {
my ($locations, $current, $candidate) = @_;
# not clear if == is an overlap; modify to use >= and <= if so.
0 == grep $locations->{$candidate}{end} > $locations->{$_}{start} && $locations->{$candidate}{start} < $locations->{$_}{end}, @$current;
sub not_a_subset_combination {
my ($combinations, $candidate) = @_;
for my $existing (@$combinations) {
my %candidate;
@candidate{@$candidate} = ();
delete @candidate{@$existing};
if ( 0 == keys %candidate ) {
return 0;
return 1;
一个相对简单的优化是按开始排序@locations然后结束并预先计算并存储在每个位置的哈希(或仅位于$ locations-&gt; {foo}中)以下多少位置发生冲突与该位置。然后在can_add ...的情况下,在递归之前将该数字从@remaining中拼接出来。
或者为每个位置预先计算冲突的所有后续位置的哈希值,并在递归之前用grep将它们全部删除。 (尽管采用这种方法,剩余的哈希开始变得更有意义。)
答案 3 :(得分:0)
(真实的入侵 - 道歉,我会写一个解释 - 并获得那些空的阵列,虽然这是相当微不足道的 - 稍后!)
#! /usr/bin/perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;
use List::MoreUtils qw(any);
use Data::Dumper;
my $locations = {
loc_1 => {
start => 1,
end => 193,
loc_2 => {
start => 180,
end => 407,
loc_3 => {
start => 329,
end => 684,
loc_4 => {
start => 651,
end => 720,
my @keys = keys %$locations;
my %final;
for my $key (@keys) {
push @{ $final{$key} }, map {
if ( $locations->{$key}->{start} >= $locations->{$_}->{start}
&& $locations->{$key}->{start} <= $locations->{$_}->{end}
or $locations->{$key}->{end} >= $locations->{$_}->{start}
&& $locations->{$key}->{end} <= $locations->{$_}->{end} )
else {
my $return = [ sort $key, $_ ];
if ( any { $return ~~ $_ } @{ $final{$_} }, @{ $final{$key} } ) {
else { $return; }
} grep { $_ ne $key } keys %$locations;
say Dumper \%final;