我使用Python从API中提取数据并使用这些值更新MySQL数据库。我意识到,正如我的代码现在一样,我想从API获取的数据只是在第一次运行代码时被插入到数据库中,但是每当代码在第一次执行后需要使用新值更新数据库。 API提供接近实时航空公司的位置,速度,高度等的实时值。我的数据库如下所示:
table aircraft:
| longitude | latitude | velocity | altitude | heading |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
#"states" here is a list of state vectors from the api that have the data I want
states = api.get_states()
#creates a cursor object to execute SQL commands
#the parameter to this function should be an SQL command
cursor = db.cursor()
#"test" is the database name
cursor.execute("USE test")
print("Adding states from API ")
for s in states.states:
if( s.longitude is not None and s.latitude is not None):
cursor.execute("INSERT INTO aircraft(longitude, latitude) VALUES (%r, %r);", (s.longitude, s.latitude))
("INSERT INTO aircraft(longitude, latitude) VALUES (NULL, NULL);")
if(s.velocity is not None):
cursor.execute("INSERT INTO aircraft(velocity) VALUES (%r);" % s.velocity)
cursor.execute("INSERT INTO aircraft(velocity) VALUES (NULL);")
if(s.altitude is not None):
cursor.execute("INSERT INTO aircraft(altitude) VALUES (%r);" % s.altitude)
cursor.execute("INSERT INTO aircraft(altitude) VALUES (NULL);")
if(s.heading is not None):
cursor.execute("INSERT INTO aircraft(heading) VALUES (%r);" % s.heading)
cursor.execute("INSERT INTO aircraft(heading) VALUES (NULL);")