
时间:2017-09-17 16:05:12

标签: regex unix

我是unix命令和正则表达式的新手。我将以下命令应用于this English corpus,我不确定。


wc -w  testFile.txt


cat  testFile.txt |perl -pe 's/\s/\n/g;' |sort  |uniq -c   


cat  testFile.txt |perl -pe 's/\s/\n/g;' |sort |uniq -c |wc -w


cat testFile.txt |perl -pe 's/[a-z]\w+/\n/g;' |sort |uniq -c


cat  testFile.txt |perl -pe 's/\s/\n/g;' |grep '[0-9]{1,}' |sort |uniq -c |wc -w


wc -c  testFile.txt |perl -pe ’s/[0-9]{1,}\W+[0-9]{1,}\W+[0-9]


cat  testFile.txt |perl -pe 's/[A-Z]\w+/\n/g;' |egrep '[A-Z]\w+' |wc -w


cat testFile.txt |perl -pe 's/\s/\n/g;' |sort |uniq -c |sort -nr 
|head -15


perl -nE 'say $1 while /(\w*[A-Z]+\w*)/g' testFile.txt



cat  testFile.txt |egrep -i '[IX|IV|V?I{1,3}]' |wc -w


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


$ cat file.txt
Adopted at the 81st plenary meeting, on 4 December 2000, on the recommendation of the Committee (A/55/602/Add.2 and Corr.1, para. 94), by a recorded vote of 106 to 1, with 67 abstentions, as follows: 
55/100. Respect for the right to universal freedom of travel and the vital importance of family reunification 
The General Assembly, 
Reaffirming that all human rights and fundamental freedoms are universal, indivisible, interdependent and interrelated, 
Recalling the provisions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as well as article 12 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, 
Stressing that, as stated in the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development, family reunification of documented migrants is an important factor in international migration and that remittances by documented migrants to their countries of origin often constitute a very important source of foreign exchange and are instrumental in improving the well-being of relatives left behind, 
Recalling its resolution 54/169 of 17 December 1999, 
1. Once again calls upon all States to guarantee the universally recognized freedom of travel to all foreign nationals legally residing in their territory; 
2. Reaffirms that all Governments, in particular those of receiving countries, must recognize the vital importance of family reunification and promote its incorporation into national legislation in order to ensure protection of the unity of families of documented migrants; 
3. Calls upon all States to allow, in conformity with international legislation, the free flow of financial remittances by foreign nationals residing in their territory to their relatives in the country of origin; 
4. Also calls upon all States to refrain from enacting, and to repeal if it already exists, legislation intended as a coercive measure that discriminates against individuals or groups of legal migrants by adversely affecting family reunification and the right to send financial remittance to relatives in the country of origin; 
5. Decides to continue its consideration of this question at its fifty-seventh session under the item entitled "Human rights questions". 


  1. RESOLUTION显然是;怎么样55/100
  2. 引号或括号中的内容如何?
  3. '大'怎么样? '大' '大&#39!; '大&#39?; '大&#39 ;?那些是同一个词还是四个不同的词? wc将这些视为四个不同的词。
  4. 假设你的意思是“'是剥离了所有非单词字符的小写版本,您可以使用正则表达式查找所有单词然后小写,以便它们进行比较。

    在Perl中,您可以使用regex /\b(\p{L}+)/来查找字词。

    $ perl -lne 'while (/\b(\p{L}+)/g) {$h{lc($1)}++;} END{foreach (sort { $h{$b} <=> $h{$a} } keys(%h)) {print "$_: $h{$_}"}}' file.txt
    of: 25
    the: 20
    to: 13
    and: 11
    in: 10
    all: 6
    that: 5
    as: 5
    migrants: 4
    reunification: 4
    family: 4
    their: 4
    its: 4
    by: 4
    rights: 4
    on: 4
    international: 4


    $ perl -lne 'while (/\b(\p{L}+)/g) {$h{lc($1)}++;} 
                      END{print "unique words: ".scalar keys %h; 
                      foreach (values %h) { $s+=$_ }
                      print "total words: $s";
                      foreach (sort { $h{$b} <=> $h{$a} } keys(%h)) {print "$_: $h{$_}"}}' testFile.txt | head
    unique words: 11263
    total words: 2616047
    the: 272618
    of: 176015
    and: 138295
    to: 101670
    in: 67440
    on: 36025
    for: 32558
    a: 24742