
时间:2017-09-16 22:02:16

标签: graphics 3d three.js webgl shader


它不起作用,所以我尝试以某种方式调试它。当所有内容都被评论时,它运行良好,但是,当我取消注释第一行vec3 u = dFdx(vVertex);时,它会停止工作。




<script type="text/x-glsl" id="flatVertexShader">
varying vec3 vVertex;

void main(){
    vVertex = vec3(modelMatrix * vec4(position, 1.0));
    gl_Position = projectionMatrix * viewMatrix * modelMatrix * vec4( position, 1.0 );


<script type="text/x-glsl" id="flatFragmentShader">
varying vec3 vVertex;

uniform int ill_type;           //type of illumination
uniform vec3 uMaterialColor;    //color of material
uniform float uKa;              //ambient coefficient [0,1]
uniform float uKd;              //diffuse coefficient [0,1]
uniform float uKs;              //specular coefficient [0,1]
uniform float uNShiny;          //shininess coefficient
uniform vec3 uDirLightPos;      //light position
uniform float uLightIntensity;  //light intensity [0,1]

void main()
    vec3 u = dFdx(vVertex);
    //vec3 v = dFdy(vVertex);
    //vec3 u = vVertex;
    //vec3 v = vVertex;
    //vec3 N = normalize(cross(u,v));

    float ambient = uKa;
    float diffuse = 0.0;
    float specular = 0.0;

    //vec3 L = normalize(uDirLightPos - vVertex);

    //diffuse += uLightIntensity * uKd * max(dot(N, L), 0.0);

    if(ill_type == 0){  //Phong Illumination Model
        //vec3 R = normalize(reflect(L,N));
        //specular += uLightIntensity * uKs * pow(max(dot(R,normalize(vVertex)),0.0), uNShiny);
    else{               //Blinn Illumination Model
        //vec3 H = L-vVector;
        //H = H / length(H);
        //specular += uKs * uLightIntensity * pow(max(dot(N,H),0.0), uNShiny);

    float total = ambient + diffuse + specular;

    gl_FragColor = vec4(total * uMaterialColor.x, total*uMaterialColor.y, total * uMaterialColor.z,1.0);

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