只是想知道我是否可以使用不会扭曲图形功能的颜色/选项填充曲线下方的区域,我尝试过没有填充no filled并使用了实心/冲动样式filled。欢迎任何建议!
刚使用:splot w lines lc rgb“dark-violet”
答案 0 :(得分:0)
f(x,t)=exp(-(x-t)**2) # some function in lieu of data
set xr [-10:20]
set yr [-0.5:10.5]
set zr [0:1]
set xlabel "x"
set ylabel "t"
set xyplane at 0
set samples 1000
unset key
set multiplot
do for [t=10:0:-1] {
splot '+' using 1:(t):(f($1,t)) w filledcurves lc rgb "white" lw 1
if (t == 10) { # after first splot, do not plot borders and tics again
unset border
unset xtics
unset ytics
unset ztics
unset xlabel
unset ylabel
unset zlabel
splot '+' using 1:(t):(f($1,t)) w l ls 1
unset multiplot
答案 1 :(得分:0)
您可以使用多边形来制作曲线 以下是使用多边形的示例:
set terminal wxt size 600,400
#set title "Graph Title"
#set xlabel "X"
#set ylabel "Y"
#set ylabel "Z"
# sets background color
set object 1 rectangle from screen -0.1,-0.1 to screen 1.1,1.1 fillcolor rgb "#ffffff" behind
# allows rendering of polygons with hidden line removal
set hidden3d back offset 0 trianglepattern 2 undefined 1 altdiagonal bentover
# displays borders 0x7F = 0b1111111
set border 0x7F linecolor rgb "#555555"
# displays the x, y and z axis
#set xzeroaxis linewidth 0.5 linetype 1
#set yzeroaxis linewidth 0.5 linetype 2
#set zzeroaxis linewidth 0.5 linetype 3
# displays the x, y and z grid
set grid xtics linecolor rgb "#888888" linewidth 0.2 linetype 9
set grid ytics linecolor rgb "#888888" linewidth 0.2 linetype 9
set grid ztics linecolor rgb "#888888" linewidth 0.2 linetype 9
# moves the x, y grid to 0
set xyplane at 0
# makes the x, y, and z axis proportional
#set view equal xyz
# moves the key out of the graph
set key outside vertical bottom right
splot "Data.dat" title "Data" with lines linewidth 1.0 linecolor rgb "#8888FF"
0.000000 0.000000 4.562285
0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
1.000000 0.000000 2.139039
1.000000 0.000000 0.000000
2.000000 0.000000 3.120719
2.000000 0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 1.000000 2.562285
0.000000 1.000000 0.000000
1.000000 1.000000 4.139039
1.000000 1.000000 0.000000
2.000000 1.000000 3.120719
2.000000 1.000000 0.000000
0.000000 2.000000 2.562285
0.000000 2.000000 0.000000
1.000000 2.000000 1.139039
1.000000 2.000000 0.000000
2.000000 2.000000 3.120719
2.000000 2.000000 0.000000
如果要读取顶点数据而不是多边形数据,也可以使用命令行工具。你可以替换" Data.dat"在gnuplot文件中:
"<grep -E '[0-9]' Data.dat | awk '{print $1 \" \"$2\" \"$3; print $1\" \"$2\" 0.0\\n\"}'"
"<grep -E '[0-9]|^$' Data.dat | awk '{print (!NF)?\"\":$1 \" \"$2\" \"$3\"\\n\"$1\" \"$2\" 0.0\\n\"}'"