
时间:2017-09-15 16:30:07

标签: python sqlite memory memory-leaks




def volumeCounter(self):
    pass_to_table = api.get_market_history(self.market, 100)["result"] #This is in json format.
    for i in pass_to_table:
        id_i = i['Id']
        time_i = i['TimeStamp'].replace("T", " ")
        type_i = i['OrderType']
        total = i['Total']
        price = i["Price"]
            """INSERT OR IGNORE INTO {} (id, price, total, type,time) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)""".format(
                self.table_prices), (id_i, price, total, type_i, time_i))

循环looper()的函数volumeCounter()。它在开始时在__init__()执行。 脚本看起来像这样:

key = 'public_key'
secret = 'secret_key'
api = Bittrex(key, secret)

class CryptoScanner:
def __init__(self, market, interval, mailAdrr, mailPass, volume):
    # Spremenljivke
    self.market = market
    self.timeInterval = interval
    self.path = "ann{}/{}".format(interval, market)
    self.path_2 = self.market.replace('-', '_')
    self.database = "{}/{}.db".format(self.path, self.path_2)
    self.mailAdrr = mailAdrr
    self.mailPass = mailPass
    self.sez_length = 0
    self.volume = volume
    self.scan_mode = False

    # Table names
    self.table_prices = '{}_prices'.format(self.path_2)
    self.table_prices_sum = '{}_prices_sum'.format(self.path_2)
    self.table_volume = '{}_volume'.format(self.path_2)
    self.table_volume_change = '{}_volume_change'.format(self.path_2)



for i in api.get_market_summaries()['result']:
    if "BTC" in i['MarketName'] and i['BaseVolume'] >= lower_boundary and i['BaseVolume'] <= upper_boundary:
        string = i['MarketName']
        d["{}".format(string[4:])] = "{}".format(i['MarketName'])
        volume["{}".format(string[4:])] = i['BaseVolume']
threads = []
for i in d:
    t = threading.Thread(target=CryptoScanner, args=(d[i], interval_sec, mail, password, volume[i]))
    print("Created thread {}".format(d[i]))


添加了bittrex api库详细信息

class Bittrex(object):
Used for requesting Bittrex with API key and API secret
def __init__(self, api_key, api_secret):
    self.api_key = str(api_key) if api_key is not None else ''
    self.api_secret = str(api_secret) if api_secret is not None else ''

def api_query(self, method, options=None):
    Queries Bittrex with given method and options
    :param method: Query method for getting info
    :type method: str
    :param options: Extra options for query
    :type options: dict
    :return: JSON response from Bittrex
    :rtype : dict
    if not options:
        options = {}
    nonce = str(int(time.time() * 1000))
    method_set = 'public'

    if method in MARKET_SET:
        method_set = 'market'
    elif method in ACCOUNT_SET:
        method_set = 'account'

    request_url = (BASE_URL % method_set) + method + '?'

    if method_set != 'public':
        request_url += 'apikey=' + self.api_key + "&nonce=" + nonce + '&'

    request_url += urlencode(options)

    return requests.get(
        headers={"apisign": hmac.new(self.api_secret.encode(), request_url.encode(), hashlib.sha512).hexdigest()}
def get_market_history(self, market, count):
    Used to retrieve the latest trades that have occurred for a
    specific market.
    :param market: String literal for the market (ex: BTC-LTC)
    :type market: str
    :param count: Number between 1-100 for the number of entries to return (default = 20)
    :type count: int
    :return: Market history in JSON
    :rtype : dict
    return self.api_query('getmarkethistory', {'market': market, 'count': count})

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