
时间:2017-09-15 04:22:03

标签: vagrant virtualbox


VBoxManage --version

vagrant -v
Vagrant 2.0.0

当我运行流浪汉时,我得到一个输出 当我运行流浪汉时,我得到像

Vagrant failed to initialize at a very early stage:

The plugins failed to load properly. The error message given is
shown below.

This Vagrant environment has specified that it requires the Vagrant
version to satisfy the following version requirements:

~> 1.5

You are running Vagrant 2.0.0, which does not satisfy
these requirements. Please change your Vagrant version or update
the Vagrantfile to allow this Vagrant version. However, be warned
that if the Vagrantfile has specified another version, it probably has
good reason to do so, and changing that may cause the environment to
not function properly.


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

罪犯 Vagrant-bershelf 强烈依赖于1.x分支的流浪者,你可以查看line of code

module Berkshelf
  class Plugin < Vagrant.plugin("2")
    # Require a particular version of Vagrant
    Vagrant.require_version("~> 1.5")

    name "berkshelf"


  • 如果您不需要该插件,只需将其卸载即可
  • 您需要让插件的所有者立即升级到2.x(或通过升级向项目提供拉取请求)
  • 恢复到1.9x流浪汉版