Perl Moose TypeDecorator错误。我该如何调试?

时间:2011-01-07 00:59:51

标签: perl moose moosex-types

嘿伙计们。我最近遇到了一个问题,我非常感谢任何见解。我在圣诞节之前在PerlMonks上发布了一个类似的问题,并提出了一些反馈意见,以便从MooseX :: Declare([] [1])转出。我现在用MooseX :: Types和MooseX :: Params :: Validate将代码转换为vanilla Moose。但是,在同一位置发生同样的错误。不足为奇,因为它似乎是MooseX ::与类型有关。

我收到以下错误(为了便于阅读,尝试将其分隔开来 并截断堆栈的底部):


Argument cannot be 'name' at /nfs/pdx/disks/nehalem.pde.077/perl/lib64/site_perl/MooseX/Types/ line 88

MooseX::Types::TypeDecorator::new('MooseX::Types::TypeDecorator=HASH(0x1620c58)', 'name', 'g1145114N5582201_16161616a2x_FU02xxT_2bxc2e3_6x0xxxp0fx0xxx0x...', 'mask_data', '', 'tags', 0) called at /nfs/pdx/disks/nehalem.pde.077/projects/lib/Program-Plist-Pl/lib/Program/Plist/ line 61

Program::Plist::Pl::_create_pattern_obj(undef, 'name', 'g1145114N5582201_16161616a2x_FU02xxT_2bxc2e3_6x0xxxp0fx0xxx0x...', 'mask_data', '', 'tag_data', '') called at /nfs/pdx/disks/nehalem.pde.077/projects/lib/Program-Plist-Pl/lib/Program/Plist/ line 77

Program::Plist::Pl::BUILD('Program::Plist::Pl=HASH(0x162d6c0)', 'HASH(0x162d648)') called at generated method (unknown origin) line 101

Program::Plist::Pl::new('Program::Plist::Pl', 'name', 'bist_hfmmin_16161616_list', 'parents', 'HASH(0xccf040)', 'fh', 'GLOB(0xccc928)', 'external_pl_code', 'CODE(0x14910b0)', ...) called at /nfs/pdx/disks/nehalem.pde.077/projects/lib/Program-Roles-PlHandler/lib/Program/Roles/ line 52

Program::Roles::PlHandler::_create_global_pl_obj(undef, 'name', 'bist_hfmmin_16161616_list', 'parents', 'HASH(0xccf040)', 'fh', 'GLOB(0xccc928)') called at /nfs/pdx/disks/nehalem.pde.077/projects/lib/Program-Plist-Pl/lib/Program/Plist/ line 77

Program::Plist::Pl::BUILD('Program::Plist::Pl=HASH(0xccd300)', 'HASH(0xccc628)') called at generated method (unknown origin) line 101

Program::Plist::Pl::new('Program::Plist::Pl', 'name', 'bist_list', 'parents', 'HASH(0xccce80)', 'fh', 'GLOB(0xccc928)', 'external_pl_code', 'CODE(0x14910b0)', ...) called at /nfs/pdx/disks/nehalem.pde.077/projects/lib/Program-Roles-PlHandler/lib/Program/Roles/ line 52

问题我似乎是对TypeDecorator :: new的最高调用。 TypeDecorator构造函数似乎需要两个参数,类/ self参数以及对TypeDecorator或TypeConstraint对象的引用。相反,它以某种方式从我的创建模式对象调用接收参数。我已经验证了进入_create_pattern_obj函数的参数是正确的,并且进入Pattern-> new调用的参数也是正确的(由堆栈跟踪参数证实)。 _create_pattern_obj函数如下所示:

sub _create_pattern_obj {
    my ($self, $name, $mask_data, $tag_data) = validated_list(\@_,
                                                              name => {isa => Str},
                                                              mask_data => {isa => Str, optional => 1},
                                                              tag_data => {isa => Str, optional => 1});

    $mask_data = '' if !defined $mask_data;

    my $tags = defined $tag_data ? map {$_ => 1} split(',', $tag_data) : {};

    my $pattern_obj = Program::Plist::Pl::Pattern->new(name => $name,
                                                       mask_data => $mask_data,
                                                       tags => $tags);

该函数在Program :: Plist :: Pl :: Pattern->新调用上消失,这是第61行 在上面调用堆栈中引用的文件Pl.pm文件中,TypeDecorator :: new调用声称来自该文件。


package Program::Plist::Pl::Pattern;

use 5.012002;
our $VERSION = sprintf "2.%03d", q($Revision: 473 $) =~ /: (\d+)/;

use Moose;
use namespace::autoclean;

use MooseX::Types::Moose qw(Str Num Int HashRef);
use MooseX::Params::Validate;

has 'name' => (isa => Str,
               is => 'ro',
               required => 1);

has 'tuple' => (isa => Int,
                is => 'ro');

has 'tid' => (isa => Int,
              is => 'ro');

has 'weight' => (isa => Num,
                 is => 'ro');

has 'tags' => (isa => HashRef[Str],
               is => 'ro',
               default => sub {{}});

has 'mask_data' => (isa => Str,
                    is => 'rw',
                    default => '',
                    writer => '_set_mask_data');

sub has_tag {
    my ($self, $tag) = (shift,
                        pos_validated_list(\@_, {isa => Str}));

    exists $self->{tags}->{$tag} ? return 1 : return 0;

sub _add_tag {
    my ($self, $tag) = (shift,
                        pos_validated_list(\@_, {isa => Str}));
    $self->{tags}->{$tag} = 1;

    print STDERR 'ARGUMENTS:'.join(',', @_)."\n";

sub BUILD {
    my ($self) = @_;
    print STDERR 'CALLED '.__PACKAGE__."::BUILD\n";



不知怎的,从调用堆栈中的参数判断,我对Pattern-> new调用的参数最终被传递给TypeDecorator :: new调用,并且它们正在阻塞它们。我已经验证了对这个子程序的良好调用(来自和之前的堆栈跟踪)看起来像这样(注意两个参数):

DB&LT 1为卤素; Ť
$ = MooseX :: Types :: TypeDecorator :: new('MooseX :: Types :: TypeDecorator',ref(Moose :: Meta :: TypeConstraint))从文件`/nfs/pdx/disks/nehalem.pde.077调用/perl/lib64/site_perl/MooseX/'line 464

问题是我无法弄清楚如何调试正在发生的事情。单步执行代码时,执行直接从Pattern-> new调用传递给TypeDecorator代码。这是在我的任何类代码执行之前发生的。我知道Moose正在为我创建新方法,但我无法弄清楚如何调试我无法查看的代码。

我已经浏览了关于Moose的文档,但这些都是关于如何使用它而不是引擎盖下的内容。我确实阅读了Class :: MOP文档,但我不清楚这个代码的确切位置和时间。虽然我从我的所有研究中学到了很多,但没有一个能直接帮助我解决问题:)

首先,任何有关正在发生的事情的想法都会受到赞赏。其次,我该如何调试这个问题?我所有常用的调试工具都让我失望了!执行是从我对问题代码的新调用直接跳转,我似乎无法追踪实际传递TypeDecorator :: new参数的位置。最后,关于Moose究竟是如何做的,有什么好的写作吗?或Class :: MOP?

编辑 - 这是我的类型定义。我可能会补充一点,这是我第一次涉足Moose,所以如果你看到我正在做的任何事情,那就很奇怪,可以随意指出它。

package Program::Types;

use 5.012002;
use strict;
use warnings;

our $VERSION = sprintf "2.%03d", q($Revision: 473 $) =~ /: (\d+)/;

# predeclare types
use MooseX::Types
-declare => [qw(NonemptyStr FilePath DirectoryPath FilePathThatExists DirectoryPathThatExists
                TwoDigNum Pl LocalPl Pattern Program_Env Program_Whichload Program_Tpl
                Program_Plist Program_Bmfc Program_Tpl_Test Program_Tpl_Flow
                Program_Tpl_Flow_Item Program_Tpl_Flow_Item_Result Word)];

# import some MooseX builtin types that will be built on
use MooseX::Types::Moose qw(Str Int Object);

# types base on some objects that I use
class_type Pl, {class => 'Program::Plist::Pl'};

class_type LocalPl, {class => 'Program::Plist::LocalPl'};

class_type Pattern, {class => 'Program::Plist::Pl::Pattern'};

class_type Program_Env, {class => 'Program::Env'};

class_type Program_Whichload, {class => 'Program::Whichload'};

class_type Program_Tpl, {class => 'Program::Tpl'};

class_type Program_Tpl_Test, {class => 'Program::Tpl::Test'};

class_type Program_Tpl_Flow, {class => 'Program::Tpl::Flow'};

class_type Program_Tpl_Flow_Item, {class => 'Program::Tpl::Flow::Item'};

class_type Program_Tpl_Flow_Item_Result, {class => 'Program::Tpl::Flow::Item::Result'};

class_type Program_Plist, {class => 'Program::Plist'};

class_type Program_Bmfc, {class => 'Program::Bmfc'};

subtype Word,
    as Str,
    where {$_ =~ /^\w*$/};

coerce Word,
    from Str,
    via {$_};

subtype NonemptyStr,
  as Str,
  where {$_ ne ''};

coerce NonemptyStr,
  from Str,
  via {$_};

subtype TwoDigNum,
  as Int,
  where {$_ =~ /^\d\d\z/},
  message {'TwoDigNum must be made of two digits.'};

coerce TwoDigNum,
  from Int,
  via {$_};

subtype FilePath,
  as Str,
  where {!($_ =~ /\0/)},
  message {'FilePath cannot contain a null character'};

coerce FilePath,
  from Str,
  via {$_};

subtype DirectoryPath,
  as Str,
  where {!($_ =~ /\0/)},
  message {'DirectoryPath cannot contain a null character'};

coerce DirectoryPath,
  from Str,
  via {$_};

subtype FilePathThatExists,
  as Str,
  where {(!($_ =~ /\0/) and -e $_)},
  message {'FilePathThatExists must reference a path to a valid existing file.'.
           "Path ($_)"};

coerce FilePathThatExists,
  from Str,
  via {$_};

coerce FilePathThatExists,
  from FilePath,
  via {$_};

subtype DirectoryPathThatExists,
  as FilePath,
  where {(!($_ =~ /\0/) and -d $_)},
  message {'DirectoryPathThatExists must reference a path to a valid existing '.
           "directory.  Path ($_)"};

coerce DirectoryPathThatExists,
  from Str,
  via {$_};

coerce DirectoryPathThatExists,
  from DirectoryPath,
  via {$_};


Edit2 - 由于明显的操作符错误而删除:)注意我在Pattern类中使用BUILDARGS而不返回参数列表。我已在当前​​代码中删除了此内容而没有更改错误。

Phaylon,这是Program :: Plist :: Pl类。

package Program::Plist::Pl;

use 5.012002;
our $VERSION = sprintf "2.%03d", q($Revision: 473 $) =~ /: (\d+)/;

use Moose;
use namespace::autoclean;

use Program::Plist::Pl::Pattern;
use Program::Types qw(Pl LocalPl TwoDigNum Pattern);
use Program::Utils qw(rchomp);

use MooseX::Types::Moose qw(HashRef GlobRef Str);
use MooseX::Params::Validate;

with 'Program::Roles::PlHandler';

has 'name' => (isa => Str,
               is => 'ro',
               required => 1);

has 'parents' => (isa => HashRef[Pl|LocalPl],
                  is => 'ro',
                  required => 1);

has 'children' => (isa => HashRef[Pl|LocalPl],
                   is => 'ro');

has 'prefixes' => (isa => HashRef[TwoDigNum],
                   is => 'ro',
                   default => sub{{}});

has 'patterns' => (isa => HashRef[Pattern],
                   is => 'ro',
                   default => sub{{}});

sub _add_child {
    my ($self, $obj) = (shift,
                        pos_validated_list(\@_, {isa => Pl|LocalPl}));
    $self->{children}->{$obj->name} = $obj;

sub _add_pattern {
    my ($self, $obj) = (shift,
                        pos_validated_list(\@_, {isa => Pattern}));
    $self->{patterns}->{$obj->name} = $obj;

sub _create_pattern_obj {
    $DB::single = 1;
    my ($self, $name, $mask_data, $tag_data) = validated_list(\@_,
                                                              name => {isa => Str},
                                                              mask_data => {isa => Str, optional => 1},
                                                              tag_data => {isa => Str, optional => 1});

    $mask_data = '' if !defined $mask_data;

    my $tags = defined $tag_data ? map {$_ => 1} split(',', $tag_data) : {};

    $DB::single = 1;
    my $pattern_obj = Program::Plist::Pl::Pattern->new(name => $name,
                                                       mask_data => $mask_data,
                                                       tags => $tags);

sub BUILD {
    my ($self, $fh) = (shift,
                       pos_validated_list([$_[0]->{fh}], {isa => GlobRef}));

    while (<$fh>) {
        # skip empty or commented lines
        next if ((/^\s*#/) or (/^\s*$/));

        # handle global plist declarations
        if (my @m = /^\s*GlobalPList\s+(\w+)/) {
            # creating new object and adding it to our data print STDERR
            #                    "SELF($self)\n".join("\n",sort keys
            #                    %Program::Plist::Pl::)."\n"; 
            $self->_create_global_pl_obj(name => $m[0],
                                         parents => {%{$self->parents},
                                                     $self->name => $self},
                                         fh => $fh);

        # handle local referenced plist declarations
        elsif (@m = /^\s*PList\s+(\w+):(\w+)/) {
            $self->_create_local_pl_obj(file => $m[0],
                                        name => $m[1]);
        # handling pattern lines
        elsif (@m = /^\s*Pat\s+(\w+)\s*(\[.*\])?\s*;\s*(#([\w,])#)?\s*$/) {
            $self->_create_pattern_obj(name => $m[0],
                                       mask_data => do {defined $m[1] ? $m[1] : ''},
                                       tag_data => do {defined $m[2] ? $m[2] : ''});
        # handling our patlist closure
        elsif (/^\s*\}/) {

    # need to populate our hash of child plists
    for (@{$self->data}) {
        if (($_->isa('Pl')) or ($_->isa('LocalPl'))) {



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


use Program::Types qw(Pl LocalPl TwoDigNum Pattern);


    my $pattern_obj = Program::Plist::Pl::Pattern->new(name => $name,
                                                   mask_data => $mask_data,
                                                   tags => $tags);



除了知道你总是可以使用它的完全限定名称调用函数之外,没有办法调试它,因此永远不应该有MooseX :: Type和有效的类名冲突。

如果是我,我会开始编写一个非常简单的测试用例并添加代码来复制原始文件,直到它中断。我可能会从调用new开始。然后慢慢加回假设,直到找到破坏的假设。希望你在这个过程中尽早添加MooseX :: Types调用,它会触发“哦,显然就是它”。