Angular2:ERROR错误:InvalidPipeArgument:'' for pipe' AsyncPipe'和Angular2:错误类型错误:无法读取属性&'39; dispose' null

时间:2017-09-14 08:45:59

标签: json rest angular2-services


{" wellList":[{"国家":" IDN""以及":"试验" "井筒":" N""公司":"试验""有源":" N'#34;},{"国家":" IDN""以及":"试验""井筒&#34 ;:" N""公司":"试验""有源":" Y"},{& #34;国家":" IDN""以及":"试验""井筒":" N&# 34;,"公司":"试验""有源":" Y"},{"国家&#34 ;: " IDN""以及":"试验""井筒":" N""公司& #34;:"试验""有源":" Y"},{"国家":" IDN" "以及":"试验""井筒":" N""公司":"测试""有源":" Y"}]}


 <li *ngFor="let well of wells | async">
        <th scope="col">Active</th>
        <th scope="col">Company</th>
        <th scope="col">Country</th>
        <th scope="col">Well</th>
        <th scope="col">Wellbore Indicator</th>


错误错误:InvalidPipeArgument:&#39;&#39; for pipe&#39; AsyncPipe&#39;     at invalidPipeArgumentError(common.es5.js:2610)     在AsyncPipe.webpackJsonp ... / .. / .. / common / @angular / common.es5.js.AsyncPipe._selectStrategy(common.es5.js:2755)     at AsyncPipe.webpackJsonp ... / .. / .. / common /@angular/common.es5.js.AsyncPipe._subscribe(common.es5.js:2741)     at AsyncPipe.webpackJsonp ... / .. / .. / common/@angular/common.es5.js.AsyncPipe

ERROR TypeError:无法读取属性&'39; dispose&#39;为null     在AsyncPipe.webpackJsonp ... / .. / .. / common/@angular/common.es5.js.AsyncPipe._dispose(common.es5.js:2761)     at AsyncPipe.webpackJsonp ... / .. / .. / common /@angular / common.es5.js.AsyncPipe.transform(common.es5.js:2725)



import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { UserService } from '../services/user.service';
import { User } from '../user/user';
import {  Observable  } from 'rxjs/Rx';  
  selector: 'app-well',
  templateUrl: './well.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./well.component.css'],
export class WellComponent implements OnInit {
  title = 'Wells';
  wells: User[];  
  errorMessage: string;
  constructor(private userService:UserService) {
    this.wells = [];  


  ngOnInit() {
    let self = this;  
    self.userService.getWells().subscribe(response => this.wells = response, error => this.errorMessage = < any > error); 



import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { Http, Headers, RequestOptions, Response  } from '@angular/http';
import { Observable,Subject } from 'rxjs/Rx';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/toPromise';  
import { User } from '../user/user';
import 'rxjs/Rx';
export class UserService {
  //private jsonFileURL: string='/assets/wells.json';

  constructor(private  http:Http) { }
  getWells(): Observable < User[] > {  
    return this.http.get('http://localhost:8080/RESTfulExample/rest/auth/testuser1/pass',{headers:this.getHeaders()}).map((response: Response) => {  
        return <User[] > response.json();  
private handleError(errorResponse: Response) {  
    return Observable.throw(errorResponse.json().error || "Server error");  
private getHeaders(){
    // I included these headers because otherwise FireFox
    // will request text/html instead of application/json
    let headers = new Headers();
    headers.append('Accept', 'application/json');
    return headers;


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

错误错误:InvalidPipeArgument:''对于管道'AsyncPipe',我认为您必须检查是否已将Asynce Pipe包含到app.module.ts ???中。因为这个错误是通知他们没有它们。而这个ERROR TypeError:无法读取null的属性'dispose',是无法运行'AsyncPipe'后的日志。希望这可以帮助你解决问题

答案 1 :(得分:-1)

asycnPipe只处理null,EventEmitter,promise和Observable,wells是一个对象(JSON对象)。 enter link description here