
时间:2017-09-14 07:07:19

标签: c# asp.net visual-studio-2013 nuget-package

我正在使用Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate,并且在使用工具功能中的扩展和更新时遇到了大麻烦。我尝试安装 Web Essentials 软件包,但在搜索选项中,它没有显示如下:

Extensions and Updates


Manual Download


9/14/2017 12:46:56 PM - Microsoft VSIX Installer
9/14/2017 12:46:56 PM - -------------------------------------------
9/14/2017 12:46:56 PM - Initializing Install...
9/14/2017 12:46:56 PM - Extension Details...
9/14/2017 12:46:56 PM -     Identifier      : 5fb7364d-2e8c-44a4-95eb-2a382e30fec8
9/14/2017 12:46:56 PM -     Name            : Web Essentials 2013.5
9/14/2017 12:46:56 PM -     Author          : Mads Kristensen
9/14/2017 12:46:56 PM -     Version         : 2.6.36
9/14/2017 12:46:56 PM -     Description     : Adds many useful features to Visual Studio for web developers. Requires VS2013 Update 4 or 5
9/14/2017 12:46:56 PM -     Locale          : en-US
9/14/2017 12:46:56 PM -     MoreInfoURL     : http://vswebessentials.com/
9/14/2017 12:46:56 PM -     InstalledByMSI  : False
9/14/2017 12:46:56 PM -     SupportedFrameworkVersionRange : [0.0,2147483647.2147483647]
9/14/2017 12:46:56 PM - 
9/14/2017 12:46:56 PM -     Supported Products : 
9/14/2017 12:46:56 PM -         Microsoft.VisualStudio.Pro
9/14/2017 12:46:56 PM -             Version : [12.0.31101,13.0)
9/14/2017 12:46:56 PM - 
9/14/2017 12:46:56 PM -     References      : 
9/14/2017 12:46:56 PM - 
9/14/2017 12:46:56 PM - Searching for applicable products...
9/14/2017 12:46:56 PM - Found installed product - Microsoft Visual Studio Ultimate 2013
9/14/2017 12:46:56 PM - Found installed product - Microsoft Visual Studio Premium 2013
9/14/2017 12:46:56 PM - Found installed product - Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2013
9/14/2017 12:46:56 PM - Found installed product - Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 Shell (Integrated)
9/14/2017 12:46:56 PM - Found installed product - Global Location
9/14/2017 12:46:56 PM - VSIXInstaller.NoApplicableSKUsException: This extension is not installable on any currently installed products.
   at VSIXInstaller.App.InitializeInstall()
   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.InnerInvoke()
   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()

注意:我在谷歌搜索过,主要是在Visual Studio Express上搜索,并且在某些情况下,它表示不支持扩展程序。 Visual Studio Ultimate是否相同?

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