我正在使用xCode在Swift 3.0中编写应用程序。
我在iPhone上有两个步进器,当我按下其中一个时,两个文本框都会受到影响。我只想要一个文本框受到影响。 ]
//the birthdate action that will increase or decrease the age
@IBAction func birthdateStepperAction(_ sender: UIStepper) {
//when the age stepper is pressed, the value is sent to the textbox
actualAgeLbl.text = String(sender.value)
//the weight action that will increase or decrease the weight
@IBAction func weightStepperAction(_ sender: UIStepper) {
//when the weight stepper is pressed, the value is sent to the textbox
actualWeightLbl.text = String(sender.value)