我正在尝试使用命令'net use'通过Java映射网络驱动器。
我尝试了几种我在网上看过的方法,但似乎没有一种方法可以在我们的UAT PC上运行,但总能在我的电脑上运行。
UAT PC - Windows Server 2008 R2标准Service Pack 1。 我的电脑 - Windows 7 Pro Service Pack 1
该方法会创建一个新驱动器,但驱动器图标有一个X标记,表明出现了问题,当我点击它时,它会说: “位置不可用”[消息标题] 无法访问L :. 登录失败:未知的用户名或密码不正确。
public void connectToRemoteServer()
String USER_NAME = "domain\\username";
String PASSWORD = "password";
/** ATTEMPT 1 - Call command from JAVA using string - OK in LOCAL, FAILED in UAT */
// String commandInside = "net use " + REMOTE_FILE_SERVER_DRIVE + ": \\\\ipaddress\\folder /user:" + USER_NAME + " " + PASSWORD;
// Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(commandInside);
// Log.info("Executing command [" + commandInside + "]");
// p.waitFor();
/** ATTEMPT 2 - Call command from JAVA using an array of string - OK in LOCAL, FAILED in UAT */
// String[] commandInside = {"c:\\windows\\system32\\net.exe", "use", REMOTE_FILE_SERVER_DRIVE + ":", "\\\\ipaddress\\folder", "/user:" + USER_NAME, PASSWORD };
// Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(commandInside);
// Log.info("Executing command [" + commandInside + "]");
// p.waitFor();
/** ATTEMPT 3 - Call command from JAVA using a process builder - OK in LOCAL, FAILED in UAT */
// String[] commandInside = { "cmd.exe", "/C", "net", "use", REMOTE_FILE_SERVER_DRIVE + ":", "\\\\ipaddress\\folder", "/user:" + USER_NAME, PASSWORD };
// Log.info("Constructed command [" + Arrays.toString(commandInside) + "]");
// ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(commandInside);
// Log.info("Starting command");
// Process process = pb.start();
// Log.info("Waiting for command to complete");
// process.waitFor();
/** ATTEMPT 4 - Write the command in a cmd/bat file then execute that cmd/bat file from JAVA using an array of string - OK in LOCAL, FAILED in UAT*/
File batchFile = new File(ROOT_PATH + "MapRemoteServer.cmd");
String commandInside = "net use " + REMOTE_FILE_SERVER_DRIVE + ": \\\\ipaddress\\folder/user:" + USER_NAME + " " + PASSWORD;
FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(batchFile);
fw.write(commandInside + "\r\n\r\nexit");
Thread.sleep(500); // just to ensure that the file is properly closed before running it
String[] command = { "cmd.exe", "/c", "Start", ROOT_PATH + "MapRemoteServer.cmd" };
Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command);
int exitStatus = process.exitValue();
Log.info("Exit status: [" + exitStatus + "]");
if (exitStatus != 0 && exitStatus != 2)
BufferedReader stdError = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getErrorStream()));
String messageLine = null;
Log.info("Error/Warning encountered during execution of net use!");
while ((messageLine = stdError.readLine()) != null) {
if (messageLine.length() > 0)
else if (exitStatus == 2)
Log.info("Connection already established!");
Log.info("Connection successful!");
catch (Exception e)
除了网络使用之外,还有另一种通过Java在Windows中映射驱动器的方法吗? 是否有某些设置可以在Windows PC中完成,可能会阻止从程序映射?
答案 0 :(得分:0)
发布答案以供将来参考。 当我执行net use命令时没有字母就可以了。 它不会创建一个驱动器号,但如果我键入完整路径(ipaddress \文件夹),我可以访问它。 我使用的命令字符串是
net use " + "\\\\ipaddress\\folder /user:" + USER_NAME + " " + PASSWORD
您只需检查该文件夹是否存在if (!myDirectory.exists())