function send_mail($address,$subject,$message,$path){
global $error;
$mail = new PHPMailer();
//$mail->SMTPDebug = 1; // Enable verbose debug output
//$mail->SMTPAuth = true;
//$mail->SMTPSecure ='ssl' ;
//$mail->Host ="smtp.mail.yahoo.com";
//$mail->Port = '465'; // use 587 also
//$mail->Username = "";
//$mail->Password = "";
$mail->setFrom("sales@dressncrafts.com", "Dress N Crafts");
$mail->addReplyTo("sales@dressncrafts.com", "Dress N Crafts");
$mail->addAddress($address); // Add a recipient
$mail->Subject = $subject;
//$mail->AltBody = $message; // optional, comment out and test
$mail->addAttachment($path); // attachment
$send = $mail->send();
if(!$send) {
return FALSE;
} else {
return TRUE;
$message = "Hello $name, your order (order number:$ordernumber) has been
placed on the date $date with the following details."
$subtotal".'<br>'."Delivery Charges:Extra".'<br>'."Total:Rs.
"Your order is under process and the invoice is attached with the
mail.Please find it.".'<br><br>'.
"Thanking you".'<br>'.$about->getShopname();
$subject = "Successful order";
$shopsubject = "New Order";
$shop_email= $about->getEmail();
$shop_mail= send_mail($shop_email,$shopsubject,"New order has arrived, find
the attachment",$invpath);
if($shop_mail==TRUE && $cust_mail==TRUE){
foreach($cartresult as $cres)
else {
foreach($cartresult as $cres)