我试图使用分支比较两个数字。使用youtube视频,我试图学习分支,但视频并不能解释条件错误时会发生什么。我的程序正在运行两个标签而不是真正的分支。 我的计划如下:
#branch if equal
message: .asciiz "The numbers are equal."
message2: .asciiz "The numbers are differnet."
#set temp regs t0 and t1 to 5 and 20 respectively
addi $t0, $zero, 5
addi $t1, $zero, 21
#if t0 and t1 are eaual, branch to label numbersEqual
beq $t0, $t1, numbersEqual
#if t0 and t1 are not equal, branch to label numbersDifferent
bne $t0, $t1, numbersDifferent
#Syscall to end program
li $v0, 10
numbersDifferent: #syscall to retrieve message and print text
li $v0, 4
la $a0, message2
numbersEqual: #syscall to retrieve message and print text
li $v0, 4
la $a0, message