如何在DDD方法之后更新EF Core 2.0拥有的实体?

时间:2017-09-12 17:38:27

标签: c# domain-driven-design entity-framework-core .net-2.0

我有一个项目,我在使用DDD方法后使用Asp.Net Core 2.0。因此,我拥有聚合根,它拥有实体和值对象,这些对象被配置为拥有类型,这是EF Core 2.0中的一项新功能。我已经添加了一个这样的配置示例,以便更好地澄清。

public class Address : ValueObject 
    public Address(string street, int number){
        Street = street;
        Number = number;

    public string Street {get; private set;}
    public int Number {get; private set;}
public class Company : AggregateRoot
    public Address Address {get; private set;}
    // Other properties...

    // Value objects are immutables so I'm only able to replace it with a new object.
    public void UpdateAddress(string street, int number){
        Address = new Address(street, number);
    // Other methods...


internal class CompanyEntityTypeConfiguration : IEntityTypeConfiguration<Company>
    public void Configure(EntityTypeBuilder<Company> builder)
        builder.HasKey(x => x.Id);
        builder.OwnsOne(x => x.Address);


因此,解决方案是检索未跟踪但我不想使用此方法,因为它将在数据库中进行完全更新。 那么,如何从Entity Framework 2.0跟踪的实体更新价值对象(拥有实体)?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

我在使用ef core 1.0.0时找到了解决方法。我再次找不到引用将链接放在这里并将作品提供给作者,但在您的情况下,解决方法将是这样的:




public class Address : ValueObject
        public Address(string street, int number)
            Street = street;
            Number = number;

        public string Street { get; private set; }
        public int Number { get; private set; }

        #region Value object workaround
        public Address WithStreet(string value) => new Address(value, Number);

        public Address WithNumber(int value) => new Address(Street, value);
    public class Company : AggregateRoot

        #region public public Address Address { get; set; }
        public Address Address { get; set; }

        //In the DbContext this property needs to be mapped with a column in a database
        private string Address_Street
            get { return Address.Street; }
            set { Address = Address.WithStreet(value); }

        //In the DbContext this property needs to be mapped with a column in a database
        private int Address_Number
            get { return Address.Number; }
            set { Address = Address.WithNumber(value); }

        // Other properties...

        // Value objects are immutables so I'm only able to replace it with a new object.
        public void UpdateAddress(string street, int number)
            Address = new Address(street, number);
        // Other methods...




internal class CompanyEntityTypeConfiguration : IEntityTypeConfiguration<Company>
        public void Configure(EntityTypeBuilder<Company> builder)
            #region Address value object workaround
            builder.Property(typeof(string), "Address_Street").HasColumnName("Address_Street");
            builder.Property(typeof(int), "Address_Number").HasColumnName("Address_Number");

如果ef core 2.0拥有的实体像EF6.X复杂类型一样工作以实现DDD值对象,那将是很好的。此解决方法将需要一些猴子工作代码,但您将能够应用DDD。