
时间:2017-09-12 12:47:52

标签: c# regex


"foo" + "bar"

我想要做的是修改s_1 : "He graduated in 1994 with 32 courses" s_2 : "I graduated in 0000 with 00 courses" ,以便将s_2更改为0000,将1994更改为32.


基本上,modified_s_2 : "I graduated in 1994 with 32 courses" 表示它会与0000...n_times...0n位的数字字符串匹配。

我可以通过循环实现这一点。 我正在寻找有效的实施。我认为正则表达式的实现很容易。


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


var s_1 = "He graduated in 1994 with 32 courses";
var s_2 = "I graduated in 0000 with 00 courses 0000";

//// I'll find combination of '0's to be replaced
var regexes =
    Regex.Matches(s_2, @"\b0+\b")
        .Select(c => new { c.Value, Reg = new Regex(c.Value.Replace("0", @"\d")) })

//// now I replace each '0's combination with first match 
var curS1 = s_1;
foreach (var regex in regexes)
    var s1Value = regex.Reg.Match(curS1).Value;
    curS1 = regex.Reg.Replace(curS1, "", 1);     //// I remove first match of s_1 to don't matched again
    s_2 = new Regex(regex.Value).Replace(s_2, s1Value, 1);

[ C# Demo ]


var s_1 = "He graduated in 1994 with 32 courses then 254 for 1998";
var s_2 = "I graduated in 0000 with 00 courses then 000 for 0000";


I graduated in 1994 with 32 courses then 254 for 1998

答案 1 :(得分:0)



var s_1 = "He graduated number 1 in class in 1900 with 20 courses over the course of 12 weeks";
var s_2 = "I graduated number 0 in class in 0000 with 00 courses over the course of 00 weeks";

// Finds the matches in s_1 with the year and the number of courses
// The spaces are important in the regex so we match properly
var regex = new Regex("( \\d{1,} )");
var matches = regex.Matches(s_1);

var lastIndex = 0; // This is necessary so we aren't replacing previously replaced values
foreach(var match in matches.Cast<Match>())
    // The matched value, removing extra spaces
    var trimmedMatch = match.Value.Trim();

    // The n-length 0 string in s_2
    var zeroString = new String('0', trimmedMatch.Length);

    // A simpler way to replace a string within a string
    var sb = new StringBuilder(s_2);
    var replaceIndex = s_2.IndexOf(zeroString, lastIndex);
    sb.Remove(replaceIndex, zeroString.Length);
    sb.Insert(replaceIndex, trimmedMatch);

    s_2 = sb.ToString();

    // This is necessary otherwise we could end up overwriting previously done work
    lastIndex = replaceIndex + zeroString.Length;

答案 2 :(得分:0)



string input = "He graduated in 1994 with 32 coursesHe graduated in 1994 with 32 coursesHe graduated in 1994 with 32 courses ";            
string ouput = "He 0000 with 00 He in 0000 with 00 He in 0000 with 00";
string regex = @"(\d+)";

var matches = Regex.Matches(input, regex).Cast<Match>();
var tempSB = new StringBuilder(ouput);
foreach(var i in matches)
    var strI = i.Value;
    var strILength = strI.Length;

    var template = new string('0', strILength );
    var index = ouput.IndexOf(template);    // if (index ==-1) exception;

    tempSB.Remove(index, strILength);
    tempSB.Insert(index, strI);

    ouput = tempSB.ToString();
