"response": {
"features": {
"hourly": 1
"hourly_forecast": [
"hour": "12","hour_padded": "12","min": "00","min_unpadded": "0","sec": "0","year": "2017","mon": "9","mon_padded": "09","mon_abbrev": "Sep","mday": "12","mday_padded": "12","yday": "254","isdst": "0","epoch": "1505196000","pretty": "12:00 PM +06 on September 12, 2017","civil": "12:00 PM","month_name": "September","month_name_abbrev": "Sep","weekday_name": "Tuesday","weekday_name_night": "Tuesday Night","weekday_name_abbrev": "Tue","weekday_name_unlang": "Tuesday","weekday_name_night_unlang": "Tuesday Night","ampm": "PM","tz": "","age": "","UTCDATE": ""
"temp": {"english": "85", "metric": "29"},
"dewpoint": {"english": "77", "metric": "25"},
"condition": "Thunderstorm",
"icon": "tstorms",
"fctcode": "15",
"sky": "75",
"wspd": {"english": "4", "metric": "6"},
"wdir": {"dir": "S", "degrees": "185"},
"wx": "Thunderstorms",
"uvi": "11",
"humidity": "77",
"windchill": {"english": "-9999", "metric": "-9999"},
"heatindex": {"english": "94", "metric": "35"},
"feelslike": {"english": "94", "metric": "35"},
"qpf": {"english": "0.03", "metric": "1"},
"snow": {"english": "0.0", "metric": "0"},
"pop": "61",
"mslp": {"english": "29.78", "metric": "1008"}
我将EasyJSON https://github.com/luxlogica/easyjson复制到我的StackScript中。我的按钮代码如下所示:
on mouseUp
put the text of fld "city" into tCityName
put the text of fld "country" into tCountry
put "http://api.wunderground.com/api/dfabb014e63a7457/hourly/q/" &tCountry&"/"&tCityName& ".json" into tURL
put URL tURL into tRawJSON
put textDecode(tRawJSON,"UTF8") into fld "weatherdata"
put arrayFromJson(tRawJSON) into tArray
put tArray["FCTTIME"]["temp"] into fld "Temp"
end mouseUp
答案 0 :(得分:0)
在版本8及更高版本中,LiveCode中包含一个JSON库,其中包含两个函数:JsonImport和JsonExport。 JsonImport将JSON编码数据转换为数组。
put the text of fld "city" into tCityName
put the text of fld "country" into tCountry
put "http://api.wunderground.com/api/dfabb014e63a7457/hourly/q/" &tCountry&"/"&tCityName& ".json" into tURL
put URL tURL into tRawJSON
put textDecode(tRawJSON,"UTF8") into fld "weatherdata"
put JsonImport(fld "weatherdata") into tArray
put the keys of tArray into fld "Temp"
set the arrayData of widget "tree view" to tArray
答案 1 :(得分:0)
感谢德文的回复。 我得到了解决方案:
put tArray["hourly_forecast"][1]["temp"]["metric"] into fld "Temp"