
时间:2017-09-11 15:44:40

标签: haskell functor


Functor f => f (a, b) -> (f a, f b)
Functor f => f (a, b, c) -> (f a, f b, f c)
Functor f => f (a, b, ..., z)  -> (f a, f b, ..., f z)


\fab -> (fst <$> fab, snd <$> fab)

对我而言,它出现在f ~ (x ->)


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:8)

在您的具体情况f ~ (x ->)中,我认为可以称之为&#34;权力法律&#34;。

事实上,从理论上讲,将A -> B作为权力B^A是很常见的。对类型(A,B)通常也会写为产品(A*B)


(A*B)^C = A^C * B^C



答案 1 :(得分:2)

There is Data.Distributive which is the dual of Data.Traversable. It provides the distribute function which can be specialized e.g. as f (Stream a) -> Stream (f a) or distribute :: f (Vec n a) -> Vec n (f a). The latter example is a homogeneous variant of your family of functions.

But we can generalize Data.Distributive a bit just like lenses generalize functors. Enter Colens:

type Colens s t a b = forall f. Functor f => (f a -> b) -> f s -> t

Here is the mirror of Control.Lens.Each

class Coeach s t a b | s -> a, t -> b, s b -> t, t a -> s where
  coeach :: Colens s t a b

instance (a~a', b~b') => Coeach (a,a') (b,b') a b where
  coeach f p = (f $ fst <$> p, f $ snd <$> p)

instance (a~a2, a~a3, b~b2, b~b3) => Coeach (a,a2,a3) (b,b2,b3) a b where
  coeach f p = ...



each_id1 :: Applicative f => (f a, f a) -> f (a, a)
each_id1 = each id

each_id2 :: Applicative f => (f a, f a, f a) -> f (a, a, a)
each_id2 = each id


coeach_id1 :: Functor f => f (a, a) -> (f a, f a)
coeach_id1 = coeach id

coeach_id2 :: Functor f => f (a, a, a) -> (f a, f a, f a)
coeach_id2 = coeach id
