(lib.mc_DomElementContainer = function(mode,startPosition,loop) {
}).prototype = getMCSymbolPrototype(lib.mc_DomElementContainer, new cjs.Rectangle(-1,-1,971,251), null);
(lib.Scoota_Test = function(mode,startPosition,loop) {
this.frame_0 = function() {
root = this;
var pageCanvas = document.getElementById("canvas"), // canvas element in html doc
vidHolderDiv, // div element that will contain the FT video object
wrapperDiv, // div element that will contain the canvas and video holder div element
EJS_DomElement; // Easel JS DOMElement Object that will manage the html div element
function ft_wrapperDiv_setUp() {
wrapperDiv = document.createElement('div');
wrapperDiv.id = "wrapperDiv";
wrapperDiv.style.position = "absolute";
wrapperDiv.style.width = "970px"; // set to the ad width
wrapperDiv.style.height = "250px"; // set to the ad height
wrapperDiv.style.overflow = "hidden";
function ft_videoDiv_setup() {
vidHolderDiv = document.createElement('div');
vidHolderDiv.id = "vidHolder";
// add styles
vidHolderDiv.style.color = '#00ff00';
vidHolderDiv.style.backgroundColor = '#ff00ff';
vidHolderDiv.style.width = '970px'; // this should be the encoded width of the source video
vidHolderDiv.style.height = '250px'; // this should be the encoded height of the source video
wrapperDiv.insertBefore(vidHolderDiv, pageCanvas);
function ft_domElementObj_setup() {
EJS_DomElement = new createjs.DOMElement("vidHolder");
function ft_setUpVideo(){
vidHolder = myFT.$('#vidHolder');
vid = myFT.insertVideo({
parent: vidHolder,
video: "video1",
poster: "images/poster.png",
width: 970, // this should be the encoded width of the source video
height: 250, // this should be the encoded height of the source video
controls: false,
autoplay: true,
loop: true