
时间:2017-09-10 20:50:07

标签: powershell

$NICs = Get-WmiObject Win32_NetworkAdapter -filter "AdapterTypeID = '0' AND PhysicalAdapter = 'true' AND NOT Description LIKE '%wireless%' AND NOT Description LIKE '%virtual%' AND NOT Description LIKE '%WiFi%' AND NOT Description LIKE '%Bluetooth%'"
Foreach ($NIC in $NICs)
    $powerMgmt = Get-WmiObject MSPower_DeviceEnable -Namespace root\wmi | where {$_.InstanceName -match [regex]::Escape($nic.PNPDeviceID)}
    If ($powerMgmt.Enable -eq $True)
         $powerMgmt.Enable = $False

我有这个代码,我工作,但PSAnalyzer说 "对于PowerShell 3.0及更高版本,请使用CIM cmdlet执行与WMI cmdlet相同的任务。 CIM cmdlet符合WS-Management(WSMan)标准和公共信息模型(CIM)标准,该标准使cmdlet能够使用相同的技术来管理Windows计算机和运行其他操作系统的计算机。" 如何使用CIM cmdlet重写它?

5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


foreach ($NIC in (Get-NetAdapter -Physical)){
    $PowerSaving = Get-CimInstance -ClassName MSPower_DeviceEnable -Namespace root\wmi | ? {$_.InstanceName -match [Regex]::Escape($NIC.PnPDeviceID)}
    if ($PowerSaving.Enable){
        $PowerSaving.Enable = $false
        $PowerSaving | Set-CimInstance

答案 1 :(得分:1)

通过“ Get-NetAdapter -Physical”,我们可以获得所有物理适配器。并通过管道获取其“ NetAdapterPowerManagement('Get-NetAdapterPowerManagement')”。有一个属性AllowComputerToTurnOffDevice负责按钮“关闭此设备以节省功率”按钮。最后,我们将其设置为“已禁用”。

$adapter = Get-NetAdapter -Physical | Get-NetAdapterPowerManagement
$adapter.AllowComputerToTurnOffDevice = 'Disabled'
$adapter | Set-NetAdapterPowerManagement

答案 2 :(得分:1)


 $adapters = Get-NetAdapter -Physical | Get-NetAdapterPowerManagement
    foreach ($adapter in $adapters)
        $adapter.AllowComputerToTurnOffDevice = 'Disabled'
        $adapter | Set-NetAdapterPowerManagement

答案 3 :(得分:0)


$ComputerName = "SomeComputer"
Get-NetAdapter -CimSession $ComputerName -Physical |
Get-NetAdapterPowerManagement |
    $_.AllowComputerToTurnOffDevice = 'Disabled' 
    $_ | Set-NetAdapterPowerManagement




Get-NetAdapter | Format-Table -AutoSize

# Output:

Name       InterfaceDescription                         ifIndex Status      MacAddress        LinkSpeed
----       --------------------                         ------- ------      ----------        ---------
Ethernet 4 HP Ethernet 1Gb 4-port 331FLR Adap...#4           15 Not Present AC-16-2D-71-F7-DF     0 bps
Ethernet   HP Ethernet 1Gb 4-port 331FLR Adap...#3           12 Up          AC-16-2D-71-F7-DE    1 Gbps
Ethernet 2 HP Ethernet 1Gb 4-port 331FLR Adap...#2           13 Disabled    AC-16-2D-71-F7-DD    1 Gbps
Ethernet 3 HP Ethernet 1Gb 4-port 331FLR Adapter             14 Up          AC-16-2D-71-F7-DC    1 Gbps
TEAM 0     Microsoft Network Adapter Multiplexor Driver      18 Up          AC-16-2D-71-F7-DC    1 Gbps


Get-NetAdapter -Physical | Format-Table -AutoSize

# Output:
Name       InterfaceDescription                    ifIndex Status   MacAddress        LinkSpeed
----       --------------------                    ------- ------   ----------        ---------
Ethernet   HP Ethernet 1Gb 4-port 331FLR Adap...#3      12 Up       AC-16-2D-71-F7-DE    1 Gbps
Ethernet 2 HP Ethernet 1Gb 4-port 331FLR Adap...#2      13 Disabled AC-16-2D-71-F7-DD    1 Gbps
Ethernet 3 HP Ethernet 1Gb 4-port 331FLR Adapter        14 Up       AC-16-2D-71-F7-DC    1 Gbps


答案 4 :(得分:0)

我使用了本文中的出色示例来解决仅在无线适配器上禁用省电模式的请求。它仅过滤无线适配器,并显示找到的每个实例的结果。我在用户界面中更改的设置位于>>设备管理器>网络适配器> 无线适配器>属性>电源管理> 清除复选框-允许计算机关闭此设备以节省电量

# List all available properties in NetAdapter cmdlets
Get-NetAdapter | Get-Member | Format-Table
Get-NetAdapterPowerManagement | Get-Member | Format-Table

# Find Wireless adapter and disable power save mode
Get-NetAdapter -Physical | `
Where-Object {$_.InterfaceDescription -like "*Wireless*" `
  -or $_.interfaceName -like "*wireless*" `
  -or $_.Name -eq "Wi-Fi" `
  -or $_.PhysicalMediaType -like "*802.11*"} | `
Get-NetAdapterPowerManagement | `
ForEach-Object {
    $_.AllowComputerToTurnOffDevice = 'Disabled' 
    $_ | Set-NetAdapterPowerManagement
   ( Get-NetAdapterPowerManagement | `
     Where-Object {$_.InterfaceDescription -like "*Wireless*" `
    -or $_.Name -eq "Wi-Fi"} | `
    Format-List -Property Name,InterfaceDescription,AllowComputerToTurnOffDevice) 