我的应用程序通过socket.io-stream接收流,我想将其用作" fs.createReadStream" object(根据NODE doc返回fs.ReadStream对象)。
我想使用" box-node-sdk"将文件上传到box.com(显然是使用传入的流内容)。这需要一个" stream"对象仅适用于" fs.createReadStream"。所以我不能直接管道传入的流,而是我必须将其转换为" fs.createReadStream"对象以便与盒子api一起使用。
例如: 而不是fs.createReadStream(' path / to / file'); //返回ReadStream对象
如何创作? myReadStream(流);
或者如何创作? fs.createReadStream(流);
ss(socket).on('file', (stream, data) => {
var streamFileName = './uploads/'+data.originalName;
var streamDataSize = data.size;
//Method 1 - Using incoming stream directly:
//Cannot use the stream directly. Not working. No error shown given by box sdk.
client.files.uploadFile('36155801746', data.originalName, stream, (err) => {
if (err) {
} else {
//done(null, {message: 'Uploading finished'});
console.log('Upload to box finished');
//Alternative Method 2 - Save the incoming stream into a file and again read that file. This doesn't work either. Fails for larger file size over 10 mb. setTimeout is for 3 seconds and the "boxStream" is produced with the data for 3 seconds of incoming stream.
//read the file again after few seconds because data is being written by the incoming steram
setTimeout(() => {
var boxStream = fs.createReadStream(streamFileName);
client.files.uploadFile('36155801746', data.originalName, boxStream, (err) => {
if (err) {
} else {
//done(null, {message: 'Uploading finished'});
console.log('Upload to box finished');
}, 3000);

答案 0 :(得分:0)
流是流; /home/pi/numbergenie/app.js:54
ReferenceError: assistant is not defined
at Object.<anonymous> (/home/pi/numbergenie/app.js:54:1)