
时间:2017-09-07 16:07:37

标签: excel vba charts powerpoint


搜索后我找到了一些代码,我已经修改了这些代码以实现我的目标。它适用于Win7 Enterprise,但是当我在Win10 Enterprise中运行相同的代码时,我收到以下错误:

System Error &H800706BE (-2147023170). The remote procedure call failed.

以下是我的代码,对我可能做错的任何帮助或Win10中可能导致我的问题的更改都将非常感激。我正在运行Office 365 ProPlus。

Public Sub QBR_Deck()

    '# Set reference to 'Microsoft PowerPoint <current version> Object Library' in the VBE via Tools > References...

    '# Declare variables
    Dim app_PowerPoint As PowerPoint.Application
    Dim ppt_Presentation As PowerPoint.Presentation
    Dim obj_PPTSlide As PowerPoint.Slide
    Dim obj_PPTShape As PowerPoint.Shape

    Dim obj_ExcelChart As Chart
    Dim obj_ExcelWorksheet As Worksheet
    Dim obj_ExcelObject As ListObject

    Dim lng_i As Long
    Dim var_Parameters As Variant

    Dim str_PPTTemplatePath As String

    '# Allow user to select PPT template
    '# Set path to same location as spreadsheet
    str_PPTTemplatePath = Application.GetOpenFilename(Title:="PowerPoint Template")
    If str_PPTTemplatePath = "False" Then Exit Sub

    '# Get the PowerPoint Application object
    Set app_PowerPoint = CreateObject("PowerPoint.Application")
    app_PowerPoint.Visible = msoTrue
    Set ppt_Presentation = app_PowerPoint.Presentations.Open(str_PPTTemplatePath, untitled:=msoTrue)

    '# Review each slide and each shape on slide
    For Each obj_PPTSlide In ppt_Presentation.Slides
        For Each obj_PPTShape In obj_PPTSlide.Shapes

            '# Determine when target shapes are located
            '# Examine Alternative Text in PPT
            '# Text for objects, will be in this format: @REPLACE|XLS_<chart_name>|PPT_<shape_Name>
            If Left$(obj_PPTShape.AlternativeText, 8) = "@REPLACE" Then
                var_Parameters = Split(obj_PPTShape.AlternativeText, "|")

                For Each obj_ExcelWorksheet In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
                    '# Look at each chart on each worksheet
                    '# Use the Alternative Text to match each chart to the appropriate slide
                    '# Copy and paste onto slide
                    For lng_i = obj_ExcelWorksheet.ChartObjects.Count To 1 Step -1
                       If obj_ExcelWorksheet.ChartObjects(lng_i).Name = var_Parameters(1) Then
                           Set obj_ExcelChart = obj_ExcelWorksheet.ChartObjects(lng_i).Chart
                           app_PowerPoint.Windows(1).Selection.ShapeRange.Left = obj_PPTShape.Left
                           app_PowerPoint.Windows(1).Selection.ShapeRange.Top = obj_PPTShape.Top
                           app_PowerPoint.Windows(1).Selection.ShapeRange.Height = obj_PPTShape.Height
                           app_PowerPoint.Windows(1).Selection.ShapeRange.Width = obj_PPTShape.Width
                       End If
                    Next lng_i

                Next obj_ExcelWorksheet

            End If 'Alternative Text not in expected format
        Next obj_PPTShape
    Next obj_PPTSlide

    '# Clean up on the way out
    Set ppt_Presentation = Nothing
    Set app_PowerPoint = Nothing

End Sub

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

Office 2016 Pro Plus,Windows 10(不是Office 365,但无关紧要)。

我注意到当你使用For Each obj_PPTShape In obj_PPTSlide.Shapes然后删除形状时,它会破坏循环。第二次循环时,它仍在考虑第一个已被删除的形状。

所以我介绍了一个形状计数器,从obj_PPTSlide.Shapes.Count开始并向后工作(你真的不需要在Excel幻灯片上的图表,BTW)。我还在删除形状后立即插入Exit For,因此您不会循环浏览图表,并且无法找到您已删除的形状。这对你来说可能不是问题,但是当我复制我的第一个图表以制作第二个图表并更改了图表名称时,新名称并没有第一次出现。


Public Sub QBR_Deck()

    '# Set reference to 'Microsoft PowerPoint <current version> Object Library' in the VBE via Tools > References...

    '# Declare variables
    Dim app_PowerPoint As PowerPoint.Application
    Dim ppt_Presentation As PowerPoint.Presentation
    Dim obj_PPTSlide As PowerPoint.Slide
    Dim obj_PPTShape As PowerPoint.Shape

    Dim obj_ExcelChart As Chart
    Dim obj_ExcelWorksheet As Worksheet
    Dim obj_ExcelObject As ListObject

    Dim lng_i As Long
    Dim shp_i As Long
    Dim var_Parameters As Variant

    Dim str_PPTTemplatePath As String

    '# Allow user to select PPT template
    '# Set path to same location as spreadsheet
    str_PPTTemplatePath = Application.GetOpenFilename(Title:="PowerPoint Template")
    If str_PPTTemplatePath = "False" Then Exit Sub

    '# Get the PowerPoint Application object
    Set app_PowerPoint = CreateObject("PowerPoint.Application")
    app_PowerPoint.Visible = msoTrue
    Set ppt_Presentation = app_PowerPoint.Presentations.Open(str_PPTTemplatePath, untitled:=msoTrue)

    '# Review each slide and each shape on slide
    For Each obj_PPTSlide In ppt_Presentation.Slides
        For shp_i = obj_PPTSlide.Shapes.Count To 1 Step -1
            Set obj_PPTShape = obj_PPTSlide.Shapes(shp_i)

            '# Determine when target shapes are located
            '# Examine Alternative Text in PPT
            '# Text for objects, will be in this format: @REPLACE|XLS_<chart_name>|PPT_<shape_Name>
            If Left$(obj_PPTShape.AlternativeText, 8) = "@REPLACE" Then
                var_Parameters = Split(obj_PPTShape.AlternativeText, "|")

                For Each obj_ExcelWorksheet In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
                    '# Look at each chart on each worksheet
                    '# Use the Alternative Text to match each chart to the appropriate slide
                    '# Copy and paste onto slide
                    For lng_i = obj_ExcelWorksheet.ChartObjects.Count To 1 Step -1
                       If obj_ExcelWorksheet.ChartObjects(lng_i).Name = var_Parameters(1) Then
                           Set obj_ExcelChart = obj_ExcelWorksheet.ChartObjects(lng_i).Chart
                           ''app_PowerPoint.Activate '''' unnecessary
                           ''obj_PPTShape.Select '''' unnecessary
                           app_PowerPoint.Windows(1).Selection.ShapeRange.Left = obj_PPTShape.Left
                           app_PowerPoint.Windows(1).Selection.ShapeRange.Top = obj_PPTShape.Top
                           app_PowerPoint.Windows(1).Selection.ShapeRange.Height = obj_PPTShape.Height
                           app_PowerPoint.Windows(1).Selection.ShapeRange.Width = obj_PPTShape.Width
                           Exit For
                       End If
                    Next lng_i

                Next obj_ExcelWorksheet

            End If 'Alternative Text not in expected format
        Next shp_i
    Next obj_PPTSlide

    '# Clean up on the way out
    Set ppt_Presentation = Nothing
    Set app_PowerPoint = Nothing

End Sub
