
时间:2017-09-07 09:50:13

标签: c# json unity3d

我正在进行关键字搜索,以查找两个不同网站中的某个部分。我有他们的api,我确实得到了响应。两个响应​​在RootObject中有不同的JSON和不同的变量。 这会导致错误

 namespace OctopartApi
    using Newtonsoft.Json;
    using RestSharp;
    using System;
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using UnityEngine;
    using UnityEngine;
    using System.Net;
    using UnityEngine.UI;
    public  class KeywordSearch1 : MonoBehaviour
        public InputField mainInputField;
        public Canvas can;
        public float x, y;
        void Start () {
            mainInputField.onEndEdit.AddListener(delegate {LockInput(mainInputField); });

        void LockInput(InputField input)
            ExecuteSearch (input.text);
        public  void ExecuteSearch(string inp)
            // -- your search query --
            string query = inp;

            string octopartUrlBase = "http://octopart.com/api/v3";
            string octopartUrlEndpoint = "parts/search";
            string apiKey = "57af648b";

            // Create the search request

            var client = new RestClient(octopartUrlBase);
            var req = new RestRequest(octopartUrlEndpoint, Method.GET)
                        .AddParameter("apikey", apiKey)
                        .AddParameter("q", query)
                        .AddParameter("start", "0")
                        .AddParameter("limit", "10");

            // Perform the search and obtain results
            var resp = client.Execute(req);
            string octojson = resp.Content;
            RootOb hh = JsonUtility.FromJson<RootOb> (octojson);// RootOb NOT FOUND ( but Root is recognized)
            Manufacturer manufacturer = hh.manufacturer;//NOT FOUND 


        // -- your API key -- (https://octopart.com/api/register)
        private const string APIKEY = "57af648b";



public class RootOb
    public string __class__;
    public Brand brand;
    public Manufacturer manufacturer;
    public string mpn;
    public string octopart_url;
    public List<Offer> offers;
    public List<string> redirected_uids;
    public string uid;


Root res = JsonUtility.FromJson<Root>(jsonString);//No issues here 

出于某种原因,我只能访问Root而不能访问RootOb。我做错了什么? 类型或命名空间名称`RootOb&#39;无法找到。你错过了装配参考吗?

编辑:我尝试删除Root类,现在检测到RootOb!应该只有一个JsonUtility def吗?

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