
时间:2017-09-06 20:35:24

标签: informix outer-join



select d.serialno, d.location, d.ticket, d.vehicle, o.name, d.parrivaltime, e.etype 
from deliveries d left outer join events e 
on d.serialno=e.eserialno and d.client=e.eclient and d.carrier=e.ecarrier and d.location=e.elocation 
left outer join operators o 
on d.client=o.client AND d.driver=o.code AND d.carrier=o.carrier AND d.location=o.location 
where d.statusmessage='CURRENT' and d.scheduleddate BETWEEN '08/02/2017' AND '08/03/2017' and d.dropno!=0 and d.location in ('MIAMID') AND (e.etype=107 or e.etype=108) 
order by d.location, d.dropno, e.etype;


select d.serialno, d.location, d.ticket, d.vehicle, o.name, d.parrivaltime, e.etype 
from deliveries d, outer events e, outer operators o 
where d.serialno=e.eserialno and d.client=e.eclient and d.carrier=e.ecarrier and d.location=e.elocation 
AND d.client=o.client and d.driver=o.code and d.carrier=o.carrier and d.location=o.location 
AND d.statusmessage='CURRENT' and d.scheduleddate BETWEEN '08/02/2017' AND '08/03/2017' and d.dropno!=0 and d.location in ('MIAMID') AND (e.etype=107 or e.etype=108) 
order by d.location, d.dropno, e.etype;



QUERY: (OPTIMIZATION TIMESTAMP: 09-06-2017 11:27:22)
select d.serialno, d.location, d.ticket, d.vehicle, o.name, d.parrivaltime, e.etype from deliveries d, outer events e, outer operators o where d.serialno=e.eserialno and d.client=e.eclient and d.carrier=e.ecarrier and d.location=e.elocation AND d.client=o.client AND d.driver=o.code AND d.carrier=o.carrier AND d.location=o.location AND d.statusmessage='CURRENT' and d.scheduleddate BETWEEN '08/02/2017' AND '08/03/2017' and d.dropno!=0 and d.location in ('MIAMID') AND (e.etype=107 or e.etype=108) order by d.location, d.dropno, e.etype

Estimated Cost: 304
Estimated # of Rows Returned: 71
Temporary Files Required For: Order By

  1) jlong.d: INDEX PATH

        Filters: (jlong.d.statusmessage = 'CURRENT' AND jlong.d.dropno != 0 )

    (1) Index Name: informix.delivcapac1idx
        Index Keys: scheduleddate location client customername   (Serial, fragments: ALL)
        Index Self Join Keys (scheduleddate )
          Lower bound: jlong.d.scheduleddate >= 08/02/2017
          Upper bound: jlong.d.scheduleddate <= 08/03/2017

        Lower Index Filter: jlong.d.scheduleddate = jlong.d.scheduleddate AND jlong.d.location = 'MIAMID'

  2) jlong.o: INDEX PATH

    (1) Index Name: informix. 126_300
        Index Keys: client carrier location code   (Serial, fragments: ALL)
        Lower Index Filter: (((jlong.d.driver = jlong.o.code AND jlong.d.location = jlong.o.location ) AND jlong.d.carrier = jlong.o.carrier ) AND jlong.d.client = jlong.o.client )

  3) jlong.e: INDEX PATH

        Filters: ((((jlong.d.carrier = jlong.e.ecarrier AND (jlong.e.etype = 107 OR jlong.e.etype = 108 ) ) AND jlong.d.location = jlong.e.elocation ) AND jlong.d.client = jlong.e.eclient ) AND jlong.e.elocation = 'MIAMID' )

    (1) Index Name: informix.ix154_17
        Index Keys: eserialno   (Serial, fragments: ALL)
        Lower Index Filter: jlong.d.serialno = jlong.e.eserialno

Query statistics:

  Table map :
  Internal name     Table name
  t1                d
  t2                o
  t3                e

  type     table  rows_prod  est_rows  rows_scan  time       est_cost
  scan     t1     603        71        742        00:00.00   122

  type     table  rows_prod  est_rows  rows_scan  time       est_cost
  scan     t2     603        741       603        00:00.00   1

  type     rows_prod  est_rows  time       est_cost
  nljoin   603        71        00:00.00   158

  type     table  rows_prod  est_rows  rows_scan  time       est_cost
  scan     t3     876        1597      1729       00:00.00   2

  type     rows_prod  est_rows  time       est_cost
  nljoin   1044       71        00:00.01   291

  type     rows_sort  est_rows  rows_cons  time       est_cost
  sort     1044       71        1044       00:00.01   14

QUERY: (OPTIMIZATION TIMESTAMP: 09-06-2017 11:27:29)
select d.serialno, d.location, d.ticket, d.vehicle, o.name, d.parrivaltime, e.etype from deliveries d left outer join events e on d.serialno=e.eserialno and d.client=e.eclient and d.carrier=e.ecarrier and d.location=e.elocation left outer join operators o on d.client=o.client AND d.driver=o.code AND d.carrier=o.carrier AND d.location=o.location where d.statusmessage='CURRENT' and d.scheduleddate BETWEEN '08/02/2017' AND '08/03/2017' and d.dropno!=0 and d.location in ('MIAMID') AND (e.etype=107 or e.etype=108) order by d.location, d.dropno, e.etype

Estimated Cost: 254
Estimated # of Rows Returned: 1
Temporary Files Required For: Order By

          1) jlong.d: INDEX PATH

                Filters: (jlong.d.statusmessage = 'CURRENT' AND jlong.d.dropno != 0 )

            (1) Index Name: informix.delivcapac1idx
                Index Keys: scheduleddate location client customername   (Serial, fragments: ALL)
                Index Self Join Keys (scheduleddate )
                  Lower bound: jlong.d.scheduleddate >= 08/02/2017
                  Upper bound: jlong.d.scheduleddate <= 08/03/2017

                Lower Index Filter: jlong.d.scheduleddate = jlong.d.scheduleddate AND jlong.d.location = 'MIAMID'

          2) jlong.e: INDEX PATH

                Filters: ((jlong.e.etype = 107 OR jlong.e.etype = 108 ) AND jlong.e.elocation = 'MIAMID' )

            (1) Index Name: informix.ix154_17
                Index Keys: eserialno   (Serial, fragments: ALL)
                Lower Index Filter: jlong.d.serialno = jlong.e.eserialno

        ON-Filters:(((jlong.d.serialno = jlong.e.eserialno AND jlong.d.client = jlong.e.eclient ) AND jlong.d.carrier = jlong.e.ecarrier ) AND jlong.d.location = jlong.e.elocation )

      3) jlong.o: INDEX PATH

        (1) Index Name: informix. 126_300
            Index Keys: client carrier location code   (Serial, fragments: ALL)
            Lower Index Filter: (((jlong.d.client = jlong.o.client AND jlong.d.driver = jlong.o.code ) AND jlong.d.carrier = jlong.o.carrier ) AND jlong.d.location = jlong.o.location )

    ON-Filters:(((jlong.d.client = jlong.o.client AND jlong.d.driver = jlong.o.code ) AND jlong.d.carrier = jlong.o.carrier ) AND jlong.d.location = jlong.o.location )

Query statistics:

  Table map :
  Internal name     Table name
  t1                d
  t2                e
  t3                o

  type     table  rows_prod  est_rows  rows_scan  time       est_cost
  scan     t1     603        71        742        00:00.00   122

  type     table  rows_prod  est_rows  rows_scan  time       est_cost
  scan     t2     1752       1597      1729       00:00.00   2

  type     rows_prod  est_rows  time       est_cost
  nljoin   876        1         00:00.00   254

  type     table  rows_prod  est_rows  rows_scan  time       est_cost
  scan     t3     1752       9862      876        00:00.00   1

  type     rows_prod  est_rows  time       est_cost
  nljoin   876        1         00:00.01   254

  type     rows_sort  est_rows  rows_cons  time       est_cost
  sort     876        1         876        00:00.01   0



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