
时间:2017-09-05 15:55:41

标签: excel-vba save excel-2007 vba excel


用户打开"模板" -Workbook后,宏正在调用。此宏应将此当前文件保存到特定路径,并在计算机上使用新名称(当前日期以及当前时间是否存在相同文件)。


我使用(可能)保存此工作簿的常用方法(编辑:完成工作保存 - 子)

  ' Save the File into a new Directory

  ' Set a new File name , to prevent overwriting the template
  ' Filenname: date of today
  ' if the same file exists, set the current time to the current date
  ' Filenname : date-of-today + Time-of-Now

  Dim DateOfToday, TimeOfToday As String
  Dim fileName, fileNameWithTime As String
  Dim FilePathComplete, FilePathCompletesTime As String

 'get the current Day and Time
  DateOfToday = Format(Now, "dd-mm-yyyy")
  TimeOfToday = Format(Now, "hh.mm")

  'Get the Documents Directory Path
  FilePath = FileInfo.GetSpecialFolder(CSIDL_PERSONAL) + "\Workbooks\" 

 ' name of the directory
  fileName = "Workbooks-"+DateOfToday+".xlsm"

 ' filename if the file already exists
  filenameWithTime = "Workbooks-"+DateOfToday+"-"+TimeOfToday+".xlsm"

 FilePathComplete = specialFolderPath + fileName
 FilePathCompletesTime = specialFolderPath + fileNameWithTime 

 On Error GoTo DispFehler
 Application.DisplayAlerts = False

 If Dir(FilePathComplete) <> "" Then

 ChDir specialFolderPath
ThisWorkbook.SaveAs FileName:=FilePathCompletesTime,     FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled, CreateBackup:=False
ChDir specialFolderPath
ThisWorkbook.SaveAs FileName:=FilePathComplete,     FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled, CreateBackup:=False

End If

Application.DisplayAlerts = True

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