
时间:2017-09-04 22:33:25

标签: java sql database statistics time-series


CREATE TABLE [test].[readings] (
    [timestamp_utc] DATETIME2(0) NOT NULL, -- 48bits
    [sensor_id] INT NOT NULL, -- 32 bits
    [site_id] INT NOT NULL, -- 32 bits
    [reading] REAL NOT NULL, -- 64 bits
    PRIMARY KEY([timestamp_utc], [sensor_id], [site_id])

CREATE TABLE [test].[sensors] (
    [sensor_id] int NOT NULL ,
    [measurement_type_id] int NOT NULL,
    [site_id] int NOT NULL ,
    [description] varchar(255) NULL ,
    PRIMARY KEY ([sensor_id], [site_id])



Get me all readings for site_id = X between date_hour1 and date_hour2

Get me all readings for site_id = X and sensor_id in <list> between date_hour1 and date_hour2

Get me all readings for site_id = X and sensor measurement type = Z between date_hour1 and date_hour2

Get me all readings for site_id = X, aggregated (average) by DAY between date_hour1 and date_hour2

Get me all readings for site_id = X, aggregated (average) by DAY between date_hour1 and date_hour2 but in UTC+3(这应该会产生与先前查询不同的结果,因为现在天数的开始和结束都会移动3小时)

Get me min, max, std, mean for all readings for site_id = X between date_hour1 and date_hour2


更糟糕的是,表readings是巨大的(因此主键的重要性,也是性能索引),也许我应该使用TimeSeries数据库(有什么好的) ?)。我正在使用SQL Server。



-- Sums all device readings, returns timestamps in localtime according to utcOffset (if utcOffset = 00:00, then timestamps are in UTC)
CREATE PROCEDURE upranking.getSumOfReadingsForDevices
    @facilityId int,
    @deviceIds varchar(MAX),
    @beginTS datetime2,
    @endTS datetime2,
    @utcOffset varchar(6),
    @resolution varchar(6) -- NO, HOURS, DAYS, MONTHS, YEARS
    SET NOCOUNT ON -- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24428928/jdbc-sql-error-statement-did-not-return-a-result-set
    DECLARE @deviceIdsList TABLE (
            id int NOT NULL

    DECLARE @beginBoundary datetime2,
            @endBoundary datetime2;

    SELECT @beginBoundary = DATEADD(day, -1, @beginTS);
    SELECT @endBoundary = DATEADD(day, 1, @endTS);

    -- We shift sign from the offset because we are going to convert the zone for the entire table and not beginTS endTS themselves
    SELECT @utcOffset = CASE WHEN LEFT(@utcOffset, 1) = '+' THEN STUFF(@utcOffset, 1, 1, '-') ELSE STUFF(@utcOffset, 1, 1, '+') END

    INSERT INTO @deviceIdsList
    SELECT convert(int, value) FROM string_split(@deviceIds, ',');

    SELECT SUM(reading) as reading,
    FROM (
            SELECT reading,
                   upranking.add_timeoffset_to_datetime2(timestamp_utc, @utcOffset, @resolution) as timestamp_local
            FROM upranking.readings
                device_id IN (SELECT id FROM @deviceIdsList)
                AND facility_id = @facilityId
                AND timestamp_utc BETWEEN @beginBoundary AND @endBoundary
         ) as innertbl
    WHERE timestamp_local BETWEEN @beginTS AND @endTS
    GROUP BY timestamp_local
    ORDER BY timestamp_local

这是一个查询,它接收站点ID(在本例中为facilityId),传感器ID列表(本例中为deviceIds),开始和结束时间戳,然后是字符串中的UTC偏移量,如&# 34 + XX:XX&#34;或者&#34; -xx:xx&#34;,以分辨率结束,该分辨率基本上说明SUM将如何聚合结果(考虑UTC偏移)。

由于我正在使用 Java ,乍一看我可以使用Hibernate或其他东西,但我觉得Hibernate并不适合这些类型的查询。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


  1. 您想要更好的读取性能吗?如果您想要更好的读取性能,则需要重新考虑索引。当然你有一个主键但你的大多数查询都没有使用它(所有三个字段)。尝试为[sensor_id], [site_id]创建索引。
  2. 你可以使用缓存吗?如果某些搜索是经常性的,并且您的应用程序是数据库的单一入口点,那么请评估您的用例是否会从缓存中受益。
  3. 如果表readings很大,那么请考虑使用某种分区策略。查看MSSQL documentation
  4. 如果您不需要实时数据,请尝试某种搜索引擎,例如Elastic Search