Windows上的C ++中的I / O性能差异很大

时间:2011-01-05 11:25:50

标签: c++ windows performance

我是新用户,我的英语不太好,所以我希望能够清楚。 当您尝试增大文件大小时,我们正面临使用大文件(1GB或更多)的性能问题(特别是)。

无论如何......为了验证我们的感受,我们尝试了以下(在Win 7 64Bit,4核,8GB Ram,使用VC2008编译的32位代码)

a)打开一个未存在的文件。在1Mb​​插槽中从一开始写入1Gb 现在你有一个1Gb的文件 现在随机化该文件中的10000个位置,寻找该位置并在每个位置写入50个字节,无论你写什么 关闭文件并查看结果 创建文件的时间非常快(约 0.3“),写入10000次的时间快得多(约 0.03”)。

非常好,这是开始的 现在尝试别的......

b)打开一个未存在的文件,寻找1Gb-1byte并只写1个字节 现在你有另一个1Gb文件 按照与案例'a'完全相同的方式执行后续步骤,关闭文件并查看结果 创建文件的时间比你想象的要快(约 0.00009“),但是写作时间是你无法相信的...... 约90”!!!! !
b.1)打开一个未存在的文件,不要写任何字节 像以前一样,ramdomizing,寻找和写作,关闭文件,看看结果 写作的时间很长都是一样的: 大约90“!!!!!


c)再次打开您在“a”情况下创建的文件,不要截断它...再次随机化10000个位置并像以前一样行动。你和以前一样快,关于 0,03“写10000次。


d)现在打开你创建的文件'b',不要截断它...再次随机化10000个位置并像以前一样行动。你一次又慢,但时间减少到...... 45“!! 也许,再试一次,时间会减少。

我其实想知道为什么...... 任何的想法?

样本可以随机,有序或反向排序模式进行读写,但只能以随机顺序写入是最明确的测试 我们尝试使用std :: fstream但也直接使用CreateFile(),WriteFile()等结果是相同的(即使std :: fstream实际上有点慢)。

案例'a'的参数=> -f_tempdir_ \ casea.dat -n10000 -t -p -w
案例'b'的参数=> -f_tempdir_ \ caseb.dat -n10000 -t -v -w
案例'b.1'的参数=> -f_tempdir_ \ caseb.dat -n10000 -t -w
案例'c'的参数=> -f_tempdir_ \ casea.dat -n10000 -w
案例'd'的参数=> -f_tempdir_ \ caseb.dat -n10000 -w


  // iotest.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

  #include <windows.h>
  #include <iostream>
  #include <set>
  #include <vector>
  #include "stdafx.h"

  double RealTime_Microsecs()
     LARGE_INTEGER fr = {0, 0};
     LARGE_INTEGER ti = {0, 0};
     double time = 0.0;


     time = (double) ti.QuadPart / (double) fr.QuadPart;
     return time;

  int main(int argc, char* argv[])
     std::string sFileName ;
     size_t stSize, stTimes, stBytes ;
     int retval = 0 ;

     char *p = NULL ;
     char *pPattern = NULL ;
     char *pReadBuf = NULL ;

     try {
        // Default
        stSize = 1<<30 ; // 1Gb
        stTimes = 1000 ;
        stBytes = 50 ;

        bool bTruncate = false ;
        bool bPre = false ;
        bool bPreFast = false ;
        bool bOrdered = false ;
        bool bReverse = false ;
        bool bWriteOnly = false ;

        // Comsumo i parametri
        for(int index=1; index < argc; ++index)
           if ( '-' != argv[index][0] ) throw ;
           case 'f': sFileName = argv[index]+2 ;
              break ;
           case 's': stSize = xw::str::strtol(argv[index]+2) ;
              break ;
           case 'n': stTimes = xw::str::strtol(argv[index]+2) ;
              break ;
           case 'b':stBytes = xw::str::strtol(argv[index]+2) ;
              break ;
           case 't': bTruncate = true ;
              break ;
           case 'p' : bPre = true, bPreFast = false ;
              break ;
           case 'v' : bPreFast = true, bPre = false ;
              break ;
           case 'o' : bOrdered = true, bReverse = false ;
              break ;
           case 'r' : bReverse = true, bOrdered = false ;
              break ;
           case 'w' : bWriteOnly = true ;
              break ;
           default: throw ;
              break ;

        if ( sFileName.empty() )
           std::cout << "Usage: -f<File Name> -s<File Size> -n<Number of Reads and Writes> -b<Bytes per Read and Write> -t -p -v -o -r -w" << std::endl ;
           std::cout << "-t truncates the file, -p pre load the file, -v pre load 'veloce', -o writes in order mode, -r write in reverse order mode, -w Write Only" << std::endl ;
           std::cout << "Default: 1Gb, 1000 times, 50 bytes" << std::endl ;
           throw ;

        if ( !stSize || !stTimes || !stBytes )
           std::cout << "Invalid Parameters" << std::endl ;
           return -1 ;

        size_t stBestSize = 0x00100000 ;

        std::fstream fFile ;, std::ios_base::binary|std::ios_base::out|std::ios_base::in|(bTruncate?std::ios_base::trunc:0)) ;

        p = new char[stBestSize] ;
        pPattern = new char[stBytes] ;
        pReadBuf = new char[stBytes] ;
        memset(p, 0, stBestSize) ;
        memset(pPattern, (int)(stBytes&0x000000ff), stBytes) ;

        double dTime = RealTime_Microsecs() ;

        size_t stCopySize, stSizeToCopy = stSize ;

        if ( bPre )
           do {
              stCopySize = std::min(stSizeToCopy, stBestSize) ;
              fFile.write(p, stCopySize) ;
              stSizeToCopy -= stCopySize ;
           } while (stSizeToCopy) ;
           std::cout << "Creating time is: " << xw::str::itoa(RealTime_Microsecs()-dTime, 5, 'f') << std::endl ;
        else if ( bPreFast )
           fFile.seekp(stSize-1) ;
           fFile.write(p, 1) ;
           std::cout << "Creating Fast time is: " << xw::str::itoa(RealTime_Microsecs()-dTime, 5, 'f') << std::endl ;

        size_t stPos ;

        ::srand((unsigned int)dTime) ;

        double dReadTime, dWriteTime ;

        stCopySize = stTimes ;

        std::vector<size_t> inVect ;
        std::vector<size_t> outVect ;
        std::set<size_t> outSet ;
        std::set<size_t> inSet ;

        // Prepare vector and set
        do {
           stPos = (size_t)(::rand()<<16) % stSize ;
           outVect.push_back(stPos) ;
           outSet.insert(stPos) ;

           stPos = (size_t)(::rand()<<16) % stSize ;
           inVect.push_back(stPos) ;
           inSet.insert(stPos) ;
        } while (--stCopySize) ;

        // Write & read using vectors
        if ( !bReverse && !bOrdered )
        std::vector<size_t>::iterator outI, inI ;
        outI = outVect.begin() ;
        inI = inVect.begin() ;
        stCopySize = stTimes ;
        dReadTime = 0.0 ;
        dWriteTime = 0.0 ;
        do {
           dTime = RealTime_Microsecs() ;
           fFile.seekp(*outI) ;
           fFile.write(pPattern, stBytes) ;
           dWriteTime += RealTime_Microsecs() - dTime ;
           ++outI ;

           if ( !bWriteOnly )
              dTime = RealTime_Microsecs() ;
              fFile.seekg(*inI) ;
    , stBytes) ;
              dReadTime += RealTime_Microsecs() - dTime ;
              ++inI ;
        } while (--stCopySize) ;
        std::cout << "Write time is " << xw::str::itoa(dWriteTime, 5, 'f') << " (Ave: " << xw::str::itoa(dWriteTime/stTimes, 10, 'f') << ")" <<  std::endl ;
        if ( !bWriteOnly )
           std::cout << "Read time is " << xw::str::itoa(dReadTime, 5, 'f') << " (Ave: " << xw::str::itoa(dReadTime/stTimes, 10, 'f') << ")" << std::endl ;
        } // End

        // Write in order
        if ( bOrdered )
           std::set<size_t>::iterator i = outSet.begin() ;

           dWriteTime = 0.0 ;
           stCopySize = 0 ;
           for(; i != outSet.end(); ++i)
              stPos = *i ;
              dTime = RealTime_Microsecs() ;
              fFile.seekp(stPos) ;
              fFile.write(pPattern, stBytes) ;
              dWriteTime += RealTime_Microsecs() - dTime ;
              ++stCopySize ;
           std::cout << "Ordered Write time is " << xw::str::itoa(dWriteTime, 5, 'f') << " in " << xw::str::itoa(stCopySize) << " (Ave: " << xw::str::itoa(dWriteTime/stCopySize, 10, 'f') << ")" <<  std::endl ;

           if ( !bWriteOnly )
              i = inSet.begin() ;

              dReadTime = 0.0 ;
              stCopySize = 0 ;
              for(; i != inSet.end(); ++i)
                 stPos = *i ;
                 dTime = RealTime_Microsecs() ;
                 fFile.seekg(stPos) ;
       , stBytes) ;
                 dReadTime += RealTime_Microsecs() - dTime ;
                 ++stCopySize ;
              std::cout << "Ordered Read time is " << xw::str::itoa(dReadTime, 5, 'f') << " in " << xw::str::itoa(stCopySize) << " (Ave: " << xw::str::itoa(dReadTime/stCopySize, 10, 'f') << ")" <<  std::endl ;
        }// End

        // Write in reverse order
        if ( bReverse )
           std::set<size_t>::reverse_iterator i = outSet.rbegin() ;

           dWriteTime = 0.0 ;
           stCopySize = 0 ;
           for(; i != outSet.rend(); ++i)
              stPos = *i ;
              dTime = RealTime_Microsecs() ;
              fFile.seekp(stPos) ;
              fFile.write(pPattern, stBytes) ;
              dWriteTime += RealTime_Microsecs() - dTime ;
              ++stCopySize ;
           std::cout << "Reverse ordered Write time is " << xw::str::itoa(dWriteTime, 5, 'f') << " in " << xw::str::itoa(stCopySize) << " (Ave: " << xw::str::itoa(dWriteTime/stCopySize, 10, 'f') << ")" <<  std::endl ;

           if ( !bWriteOnly )
              i = inSet.rbegin() ;

              dReadTime = 0.0 ;
              stCopySize = 0 ;
              for(; i != inSet.rend(); ++i)
                 stPos = *i ;
                 dTime = RealTime_Microsecs() ;
                 fFile.seekg(stPos) ;
       , stBytes) ;
                 dReadTime += RealTime_Microsecs() - dTime ;
                 ++stCopySize ;
              std::cout << "Reverse ordered Read time is " << xw::str::itoa(dReadTime, 5, 'f') << " in " << xw::str::itoa(stCopySize) << " (Ave: " << xw::str::itoa(dReadTime/stCopySize, 10, 'f') << ")" <<  std::endl ;
        }// End

        dTime = RealTime_Microsecs() ;
        fFile.close() ;
        std::cout << "Flush/Close Time is " << xw::str::itoa(RealTime_Microsecs()-dTime, 5, 'f') << std::endl ;

        std::cout << "Program Terminated" << std::endl ;

        std::cout << "Something wrong or wrong parameters" << std::endl ;
        retval = -1 ;

     if ( p ) delete []p ;
     if ( pPattern ) delete []pPattern ;
     if ( pReadBuf ) delete []pReadBuf ;

     return retval ;

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)



最后,你应该重复每次测试很多次,每次都刷新整个缓存(这可以在Windows上使用sysinternals工具重新启动),并在禁用任何on-access AV软件的其他空闲机器上运行。如果你发现性能存在很大差异,那就会发生一些奇怪的事情。



答案 1 :(得分:3)

它可能完全取决于您使用的文件系统。我对NTFS文件系统并不是很了解,但很多FS优化了sparse files中的空白空间,其中空白空间被定义为文件中没有写入任何内容的块。请注意,对于这些位置,读取将返回0,但是没有被写入。



编辑:似乎NTFS确实有这种Sparse File优化。

答案 2 :(得分:3)

