什么JavaScript API架构用于保证React-native等平台的数据一致性?

时间:2017-09-03 06:41:48

标签: javascript node.js react-native v8 ecmascript-5

我正在尝试开发一个JavaScript API和一组模式,以便使用前进有意义并且直观供人们使用。 在调用通过react-native网桥运行的CRUD JavaScript函数时,将数据一致性检查与写入或其他读取一起批处理的最佳方法是什么?


  1. 投资组合价值

  2. 折扣百分比

  3. 计算折扣

  4. 净费用。

  5. 折扣可以根据市场波动(svc调用),销售团队更新(交互式用户更新),基于数量(商业逻辑)或基于某些机器学习模型(svc调用)更改,组织更有可能再次订购。突变可以来自本机端事件,远程服务(有时带有webhook),甚至是应用程序业务逻辑。开发人员如何保证他们在某个时间点读取的数据与他们在写入新数据时读取的数据相同?


    var currentDiscount = await someModel.getDiscountValue();
    var currentPortfolioValue = await someModel.getPortFolioValue();
    var netFees = currentServiceRate - (currentServiceRate * currentDiscount);
    * In order to guarantee that the currentDiscount didnt change since it was retrieved
    * this API batch-sends the value the original recieved value along with the update action.
    * This means the platform, on the native/view side, will have to synchronously conditional check the current value
    * with the value in the UI, if it is the same, update the net fees field. 
    try {
    await someModel.UpdateFeeValue(netFees, [ currentDiscount ]);
    } catch (err) {


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