我有一个似乎是一个简单的问题,我很难在代码中建模(C#) -
我正在努力为参加会议的人找到最高的潜在学分。课程有时间段,如安保101 @ 9 AM-10AM,财务202 @ 4 PM-6PM等。
主要规则是,你不能同时参加两门课程 - 所以你会在9-10和10-11的课程中获得学分,但是你也不能获得9-11课程的学分
| FINANCE 101 | 9:00 AM | 10:00 AM |
| FINANCE 102 | 10:00 AM | 11:00 AM |
| PYTHON 300 | 10:00 AM | 11:00 AM |
| SECURITY 101 | 11:00 AM | 12:00 PM |
| ECONOMICS 101 | 9:00 AM | 12:00 PM |
| DATABASE 200 | 11:00 AM | 1:00 PM |
FINANCE 101 (9-10) -> FINANCE 102 (10-11) -> SECURITY 101 (11-12) -> DONE
FINANCE 101 (9-10) -> PYTHON 300 (10-11) -> SECURITY 101 (11-12) -> DONE
FINANCE 101 (9-10) -> FINANCE 102 (10-11) -> DATABASE 200 (11-1) -> DONE
FINANCE 101 (9-10) -> PYTHON 300 (10-11) -> DATABASE 200 (11-1) -> DONE
ECONOMICS 101 (9-12)-> DONE
我想要一个路径数组(而不是一个单一的最佳路径)的原因是因为不一定有直接的1小时= 1小时信用相关性,所以会有基于路径集的第二级计算总结路径的信用小时值以确定什么是“最佳”。
我的问题是 - 我是否有一种技术或软件模式可以生成这些排列,以便我可以衡量结果以确定为课程接受者提供最多学分的路径?
感谢大家的意见和帮助,Bradley Uffner和Xiaoy312的解决方案都将其钉住了!
答案 0 :(得分:4)
根据Ordered Permutation of List<Int>改编的答案:
public static class CourseExtensions
public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<Course>> GetPermutations(this IEnumerable<Course> courses)
return GetCoursesHelper(courses, TimeSpan.Zero);
private static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<Course>> GetCoursesHelper(IEnumerable<Course> courses, TimeSpan from)
foreach (var course in courses)
if (course.Start < from) continue;
yield return new[] { course };
var permutations = GetCoursesHelper(courses, course.End);
foreach (var subPermutation in permutations)
yield return new[]{ course }.Concat(subPermutation);
void Main()
foreach (var courses in GetCourses().GetPermutations())
Console.WriteLine(string.Join(" -> ", courses
.Select(x => x.ToString())
.Concat(new [] { "DONE" })));
// Define other methods and classes here
public class Course
public string Name { get; set; }
public TimeSpan Start { get; set; }
public TimeSpan End { get; set; }
public override string ToString()
return string.Format("{0} ({1:hhmm}-{2:hhmm})",
Name, Start, End);
IEnumerable<Course> GetCourses()
var data = @"
| FINANCE 101 | 9:00 AM | 10:00 AM |
| FINANCE 102 | 10:00 AM | 11:00 AM |
| PYTHON 300 | 10:00 AM | 11:00 AM |
| SECURITY 101 | 11:00 AM | 12:00 PM |
| ECONOMICS 101 | 9:00 AM | 12:00 PM |
| DATABASE 200 | 11:00 AM | 1:00 PM |
return data.Split('\n')
.Select(r => r.Split('|').Select(c => c.Trim()).ToArray())
.Select(x => new Course
Name = x[1],
Start = DateTime.ParseExact(x[2], "h:mm tt", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).TimeOfDay,
End = DateTime.ParseExact(x[3], "h:mm tt", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).TimeOfDay
public static class CourseExtensions
public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<Course>> GetPermutations(this IEnumerable<Course> courses)
return GetCoursesHelper(courses, TimeSpan.Zero);
private static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<Course>> GetCoursesHelper(IEnumerable<Course> courses, TimeSpan from)
foreach (var course in courses)
if (course.Start < from) continue;
yield return new[] { course };
var permutations = GetCoursesHelper(courses, course.End);
foreach (var subPermutation in permutations)
yield return new[]{ course }.Concat(subPermutation);
FINANCE 101 (0900-1000) -> DONE
FINANCE 101 (0900-1000) -> FINANCE 102 (1000-1100) -> DONE
FINANCE 101 (0900-1000) -> FINANCE 102 (1000-1100) -> SECURITY 101 (1100-1200) -> DONE
FINANCE 101 (0900-1000) -> FINANCE 102 (1000-1100) -> DATABASE 200 (1100-1300) -> DONE
FINANCE 101 (0900-1000) -> PYTHON 300 (1000-1100) -> DONE
FINANCE 101 (0900-1000) -> PYTHON 300 (1000-1100) -> SECURITY 101 (1100-1200) -> DONE
FINANCE 101 (0900-1000) -> PYTHON 300 (1000-1100) -> DATABASE 200 (1100-1300) -> DONE
FINANCE 101 (0900-1000) -> SECURITY 101 (1100-1200) -> DONE
FINANCE 101 (0900-1000) -> DATABASE 200 (1100-1300) -> DONE
FINANCE 102 (1000-1100) -> DONE
FINANCE 102 (1000-1100) -> SECURITY 101 (1100-1200) -> DONE
FINANCE 102 (1000-1100) -> DATABASE 200 (1100-1300) -> DONE
PYTHON 300 (1000-1100) -> DONE
PYTHON 300 (1000-1100) -> SECURITY 101 (1100-1200) -> DONE
PYTHON 300 (1000-1100) -> DATABASE 200 (1100-1300) -> DONE
SECURITY 101 (1100-1200) -> DONE
ECONOMICS 101 (0900-1200) -> DONE
DATABASE 200 (1100-1300) -> DONE
答案 1 :(得分:3)
它可能不如@ Xiaoy312的答案有效,但它显示了另一种方法。我还添加了课程学分,显示特定路径的总学分,以及选择最佳路径。
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace CoursePath
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var courses = new List<CourseInfo>()
new CourseInfo("Finance 101", 1, DateTime.Parse("9:00 AM"), DateTime.Parse("10:00 AM")),
new CourseInfo("Finance 102", 2, DateTime.Parse("10:00 AM"), DateTime.Parse("11:00 AM")),
new CourseInfo("Python 300", 3, DateTime.Parse("10:00 AM"), DateTime.Parse("11:00 AM")),
new CourseInfo("Security 101", 4, DateTime.Parse("11:00 AM"), DateTime.Parse("12:00 PM")),
new CourseInfo("Economics 201", 5, DateTime.Parse("9:00 AM"), DateTime.Parse("12:00 PM")),
new CourseInfo("Database 200", 6, DateTime.Parse("11:00 AM"), DateTime.Parse("1:00 PM"))
var results = new List<List<CourseInfo>>();
BuildCourseList(null, courses, results);
results.ForEach(c => Console.WriteLine(string.Join(" -> ", c.Select(x => x.Name)) + $" -> Done ({c.Sum(x => x.Credits)} credits)"));
var optimal = results.Select(path => new {Path = path, TotalCredits = path.Sum(c => c.Credits)}).OrderByDescending(path => path.TotalCredits).First();
Console.WriteLine("Optimal Path: " + string.Join(" -> ", optimal.Path.Select(x => x.Name)) + $" -> Done ({optimal.TotalCredits} credits)");
public static void BuildCourseList(List<CourseInfo> currentPath, List<CourseInfo> courses, List<List<CourseInfo>> results)
CourseInfo currentCourse = currentPath?.LastOrDefault();
var candidates = (currentCourse == null ? courses : courses.Where(c => c.StarTime >= currentCourse.EndTime));
if (currentPath != null)
foreach (var course in candidates)
var nextPath = currentPath == null ? new List<CourseInfo>() : new List<CourseInfo>(currentPath);
BuildCourseList(nextPath, courses, results);
public class CourseInfo
public CourseInfo(string name, int credits, DateTime starTime, DateTime endTime)
Name = name;
Credits = credits;
StarTime = starTime;
EndTime = endTime;
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Credits { get; set; }
public DateTime StarTime { get; set; }
public DateTime EndTime { get; set; }
Finance 101 -> Done (1 credits)
Finance 101 -> Finance 102 -> Done (3 credits)
Finance 101 -> Finance 102 -> Security 101 -> Done (7 credits)
Finance 101 -> Finance 102 -> Database 200 -> Done (9 credits)
Finance 101 -> Python 300 -> Done (4 credits)
Finance 101 -> Python 300 -> Security 101 -> Done (8 credits)
Finance 101 -> Python 300 -> Database 200 -> Done (10 credits)
Finance 101 -> Security 101 -> Done (5 credits)
Finance 101 -> Database 200 -> Done (7 credits)
Finance 102 -> Done (2 credits)
Finance 102 -> Security 101 -> Done (6 credits)
Finance 102 -> Database 200 -> Done (8 credits)
Python 300 -> Done (3 credits)
Python 300 -> Security 101 -> Done (7 credits)
Python 300 -> Database 200 -> Done (9 credits)
Security 101 -> Done (4 credits)
Economics 201 -> Done (5 credits)
Database 200 -> Done (6 credits)
Optimal Path: Finance 101 -> Python 300 -> Database 200 -> Done (10 credits)
答案 2 :(得分:0)
您可以将数据表示为带有顶点的图形 - 连接的课程(时间段) iff 它们的时间段重叠。然后你的问题变成找到最大的独立顶点集:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Independent_set_(graph_theory)