
时间:2017-09-01 02:40:21

标签: validation yaml swagger-2.0 swagger-codegen required-field

我正在使用swagger" 2.0"创建我的项目。问题是我想在请求体中有一些必填字段,需要进行验证。 Swagger无法验证正文中的字段(Schema Object),我需要在到达实际的API实现之前抛出400 Bad请求。


- group chats
description: Adds a message to the given group chat.
operationId: addMessageToGroupChat
- application/json
- name: pathparam
description: some pathparam
in: path
required: true
type: string
- name: addMessageInput
description: The content of the message to add to the groupChat.
in: body
required: true
$ref: '#/definitions/AddMessageInput'
- name: Authorization
in: header
type: string
required: false
description: >-
The identification token. It can be a JSON web token, a Basic
Authorization token, etc.
- name: mode
in: header
type: string
required: false
description: >-
there is a high performance mode that tries and optimize the messages
description: Message added.
$ref: '#/definitions/AddMessageOutput'

type: object
description: The message body.
type: string
**required: true**
description: some desc
type: array
$ref: '#/definitions/MessageTag'
- body**

## Swagger在Java Code中生成的模型:

@javax.annotation.Generated(value = "class io.swagger.codegen.languages.CompanyHealthSpringCodegen", date = "2017-08-31T20:00:34.574+05:30")

public class AddMessageInput implements PersistenceInformationBearer {

private String body = null;
private List tags = new ArrayList();

private boolean isNew = false;


The message body.
public AddMessageInput body(String body) {
this.body = body;
return this;
@apimodelproperty(required = true, value = "The message body.")
public String getBody() {
return body;
public void setBody(String body) {
this.body = body;


Additional tags to be added to the message. These tags will be not encrypted. If you add two tags with the same tag name, the behavior is undefined.
public AddMessageInput tags(List tags) {
this.tags = tags;
return this;
@apimodelproperty(value = "Additional tags to be added to the message. These tags will be not encrypted. If you add two tags with the same tag name, the behavior is undefined.")
public List getTags() {
return tags;
public void setTags(List tags) {
this.tags = tags;


This method returns:
true if the object instance refers to a newly created messaging object (e.g. newly created group chat).
false if the object instance refers to an existing messaging object (e.g. returning a group chat that
already exists).
public boolean isNew() {
return this.isNew;

Sets the isNew attribute, which describes if the object the
instance referring to (e.g. groupChat) is new or already exists
public void setIsNew(boolean isNew) {
this.isNew = isNew;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) {
return false;
AddMessageInput addMessageInput = (AddMessageInput) o;
return Objects.equals(body, addMessageInput.body) &&
Objects.equals(tags, addMessageInput.tags);

public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(body, tags);

public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("class AddMessageInput {\n");

sb.append("    body: ").append(toIndentedString(body)).append("\n");
sb.append("    tags: ").append(toIndentedString(tags)).append("\n");
return sb.toString();


Convert the given object to string with each line indented by 4 spaces
(except the first line).
private String toIndentedString(Object o) {
if (o == null) {
return "null";
return o.toString().replace("\n", "\n ");

我通过设置 required as true &来尝试两种方式(粗体)通过添加属性" body"在必需:下,但它不起作用。只有在招摇的UI中它才会显示错误。但是当我尝试直接从外部命中API(比如Postman)时,它允许我按照AddMessageInput模型中预期的那样使用没有body(String)的API。我不得不明确地检查这个字段。如果我遗漏任何东西,请建议我。


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