我正试图建立一个警告系统"对于我的Discord Server机器人,在使用该命令时,它会从文本文件中提取信息然后进行更新。我可以在某种程度上想象我想要一步一步地发生什么,但我很困惑如何将从文件中读取的内容作为一个例子:
鲍勃#5368 3我只想更改名称背后的数字,我不太确定如何找到我正在寻找的用户,然后提取数字并将其设置为' totalWarn',将其添加(totalWarn = + warnNum),然后使用新号码更新该用户。
注意:' warningFile'是已在此代码块之外定义的文件路径。
public async Task warn(IGuildUser user, int warnNum, [Remainder] string reason)
int totalWarn = 0;
if (user == null)
await ReplyAsync("Please include a name");
if (warnNum <= 0)
await ReplyAsync("The warning level must increase by 1 or more.");
if (reason == null)
await ReplyAsync("Please include a reason.");
string nickName = user.Username;
//Check for whether text file exists or not.
if (!File.Exists(warningFile))
//Create the File
FileStream fs = File.Create(warningFile);
//Reads all the text in the file and puts it into an array.
string[] arr = File.ReadAllLines(warningFile);
for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++)
string line = arr[i];
totalWarn = +warnNum;
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{user.Username}'s warning level has increased by {warnNum} for {reason}.\n"
+ $"Your warning level is now {totalWarn}. Please take this time to review the server rules.");
答案 0 :(得分:3)
void Main()
string line = "bob#5368 3";
GuildUser user = new GuildUser( line );
public class GuildUser
public string Name { get; set;}
public int Id { get; set;}
public int Warnings { get; set;}
public GuildUser( string line )
Match match = Regex.Match( line, @"(.+)?#(\d+) (\d+)" );
if ( !match.Success ) throw new Exception( "Couldn't parse line: " + line );
Name = match.Groups[1].Value;
Id = int.Parse( match.Groups[2].Value );
Warnings = int.Parse( match.Groups[3].Value );
public override string ToString()
return $"{Name}#{Id} {Warnings}";
我更新了添加“ToString”方法来重写该行。 然后你可以添加警告并获取调用ToString()的新字符串。
答案 1 :(得分:0)
public static void stuff()
string name = "bob";
string firstNumber = "";
string secondNumber = "";
int lineIndex = 0;
List<string> lines = new List<string>(File.ReadAllLines(@"C:\Text.txt"));
foreach(string line in lines)
lineIndex = lines.IndexOf(line);
string[] parts = line.Split('#');
name = parts[0];
firstNumber = parts[1].Split(' ')[0];
secondNumber = parts[1].Split(' ')[1];
firstNumber = (Convert.ToInt32(firstNumber) + 1).ToString();
* instert code here for changing the number you want to change
lines[lineIndex] = name + "#" + firstNumber + " " + secondNumber;